Page 19 of Redeemed
She nodded without removing her face from JT's chest. Her mind was spinning. She was embarrassed that Jesse had walked in on them, of course, but holy hell, what had that kiss been about? She thought her heart might beat out of her chest and she couldn't seem to get enough air.Dios mio!
When she heard the bell over the front door tinkle, she pushed herself up and forced herself to look at JT. He was watching her with an enigmatic smile on his lips. It wasn't an expression she recognized. She couldn't get any words to form in her mouth.
"I think we need to talk," JT said with a new sultry note to his voice. Sofia could only nod.
Chapter seventeen
That's a Yes
Afterlockingupthecafé, JT took Sofia's hand and led her to his Jeep. She followed wordlessly, furiously thinking about what to say. This was supposed to be pretend, but there was no way that kiss was fake. Was it? There was no one there initially to see them. It was only when Jesse came to find her that they were caught. And he'd started it. She was only bandaging his hand. Why would he do that if he didn't have some kind of feelings for her? But they'd known each other for five years and he'd never even hinted he was interested in her in the least. Her head swam.
She soon realized they were headed to JT's house. The house where he now lived alone, she realized. He smiled almost shyly at her when they parked in the driveway. "Uh, I haven't really gotten around to replacing some of the furniture and stuff since Maggie moved out but there's still places to sit," he said, looking as if he wanted her approval; nervous about her seeing his place not perfectly put together as it had always been when his sister lived there.
"That's okay," Sofia managed as she released her seatbelt and started to open the creaky passenger door.
"Here, wait! Let me," JT said quickly as he jumped out of the Jeep and rounded to her side to open her door.
She could feel the heat rising in her face. Why was she blushing because he was opening her door for her?En serio, Sofia? Por Dios! (Really, Sofia? Good grief!)
"Thanks," she said softly and tried to give him a smile.
"I could use some help figuring out what I should get," he confessed, leading the way up the walk to the front door. "Maggie did all the decorating, of course, so I've never really thought about it." He grinned at her over his shoulder as he fit the key into the lock. "Last time I lived alone was in a ratty little studio apartment when I was in culinary school." He laughed deprecatingly. "Starving student chic is probably not the look I need to be going for at this point."
Sofia felt herself relaxing a little with his humor. This was more like the JT she had come to know and- dare she even think it? come to love. "Yeah, you're kinda old to rock the starving student bachelor pad look," she agreed.
JT pulled an offended face as he opened the door and invited her in. "I am not old. I'm only two years older than you, remember?"
Sofia giggled. "Got me there. But seriously, I'm no Maggie but I'll see what I can do."
Walking into the living room, she noted that it was empty except for a TV tray and the shabby chic-looking sofa. JT rubbed the back of his neck looking at the thing uncertainly. "Maggie gave in and let Zane have his big leather couch so she left this one. I tried to talk them into trading me, but Zane wasn't having it."
"I like this one," Sofia said, slipping off her shoes while sitting down on one end and tucking her feet under her. "It's comfy."
He gave her a dubious look. "It's girly is what it is," he replied, but then shrugged. "Maybe you can help me pick out a new one."
"Um, sure, if you like," she answered, pushing her hair behind her ears. She'd forgotten to pull it back up after JT had released it in the kitchen.
"What would you like to drink?" JT asked, trying to play the host. "I've got Coke, beer, or I bought some of that Lambrusco you liked at Romano's."
He bought the wine I liked?It was a little early in the day for wine for her, but she figured she could use the liquid courage right about now. "Oh, that was really good. The Lambrusco would be great. Thanks."
Sofia fidgeted while JT went to the kitchen for their drinks. She dug in her pocket and found a hair tie. She was in the middle of pulling it back up on top of her head when JT returned to the room. "Don't," he said softly. "It looks really pretty down."
Sofia dropped her hands and let her hair fall back around her shoulders. He smiled at her. "Yeah, like that. It's like a waterfall of dark chocolate," he said, handing her the glass of wine and sitting next to her. He reached up one hand and ran his fingers through the strands before tucking it behind her ear again. He searched her face. What was he looking for?
She shivered and bit her lip looking down into her wine glass not able to maintain his intense gaze. She could feel the blush suffusing her whole body. Had she ever blushed like this around any other man? She didn't think so. The silence stretched out over several long moments as they sipped. Finally, Sofia couldn't stand the anticipation anymore. "You said we needed to talk?" she asked, hesitantly.
JT put his now empty wine glass down on the little table. He'd finished it in several long gulps. He rubbed at the dimple in his chin making a scratching noise over the stubble that started taking over by this time of day. She recognized the gesture. He was thinking, and he was nervous. She didn't know if that was good or bad. He rested his elbows on his knees before he spoke.
"Yeah, so," he started, then cleared his throat. "Um, remember when we started this thing, we agreed to call it off if one of us found someone else – someone we wanted to have a real relationship with?"
Sofia's heart fell to her stomach. Had he met someone? Then what was that kiss? "I remember," she replied, quietly. A lump formed in her chest.
"Well, I want you to release me from my pretend boyfriend status," JT said evenly.
She looked down into her wine glass. Her hands twirling it nervously for something else to focus on. "Oh," she replied, trying valiantly to make her voice steady. "So, you've met someone?"
She saw JT's hand remove the wine glass from hers and place it on the TV tray next to his own. He turned toward her and took both of her now empty hands in his. They were so warm and hers had turned to ice. He rubbed his thumbs against her knuckles in that soothing gesture of his. She sighed despite herself.