Page 42 of All Our Ghosts
Watson claps his hands together. “Well! Look at that! We’ll see if that’s real or not.”
“You’ll find it is,” She retorts.
A swell of pride bubbles in my chest hearing her stand up against him. I know fear creeps below her surface, but I also know she’s much stronger than she seems.
He laughs, shaking his head. “Well we will see but if I find out it’s a fake name again, I’ll be paying a visit to O’Neil’s shop.”
His eyes land on me again. “Stokes wants you present for the meeting tomorrow. He’s granting you freedom for the night.” Watson steps up. “I suggest you take advantage of that,” his glare flickers to Kadence, “before you end up in a hole.”
I clench my jaw again, spinning so that Watson can undo the handcuffs. Feeling them unlock from around my wrists I turn again, reaching out for Kadence behind me. “I told you to watch the way you talk about her.” I feel her fingers lace into mine. “Watch your back when you're off duty, Deputy.”
“I suggest you quit while you’re ahead, Nash, and take Ms. Andrews home.” Watson leans against the hood of his car, arms crossing over his chest. “Drive safe now,” he says, sounding more like a threat than anything else.
I feel Kadence tug on my hand. “Holden, please, let's go.”
I take a few steps backward, waving my fingers at Watson before turning and helping her back onto the bike. I slip the helmet over the top of her head, buckling it before climbing on in front of her.
Idrive back to the shop, leaving Watson behind on the side of the road and without her hands tracing shapes under my shirt against my skin. Instead they stay gripped onto my vest. I know the conversation I have to have with her when we get back. It’s going to be a long night, and even though the adrenaline is wearing off and the exhaustion is seeping in, I’m willing to spend the next ten hours explaining the shit show that my life has turned into.
The minute we pull back into the shop parking lot, I clock Cole sitting at the top of the stairs that lead to Kadence’s apartment. A sigh leaves me as I back my bike into my usual spot. Once again I help her off the bike and with the helmet as she glances over at the apartment.
“How mad do you think he is?” She asks softly, her hand slipping into mine.
I shrug. “With you? Probably not at all.”
“And with you?”
I suck in a breath, “Cole has different… expectations for me.” Which isn’t too far from the truth. Cole does have different expectations for me and at times expects way too much from me.
“Where the hell were you?” Cole calls from the top of the stairs before descending them, “Blake said you both snuck off like a couple of teenagers. What the hell were you thinking?”
I scoff. “I was thinking we’re both grown adults and needed a break from dinner.”
“So you just… what? Decide to take off with the one person you haven’t stopped bitching about since she got here?” Cole snaps.
“Cole–” Kadence steps forward, her hand still tucked into mine. It’s then Cole realizes we’re holding hands. His gaze flickers from our interlocked fingers to her and then to me.
A wild laugh escapes his lips. “You have to be fucking kidding me, Nash.” His hands find his hips as he glances back down at Kadence. “So what lie did he tell you to get you alone, hmm?” His head cocks to the side, “because I know you’re smarter than that.”
“Brother, I love you but you better watch the way you’re talking to her.” I step up to him, her hand falling from mine. “I’m not in the fucking mood to deal with your holier-than-thou bullshit tonight.”
“Welcome to my fuckin’ world.” Cole fumes. “Stokes called by the way, so thanks for that.”
My face crumples into disgust as I step back from my friend. “I don’t know when you started caring more about that asshole’s opinion, but I won’t warn you again. Watch the fuckin’ tone.”
“Or what?” Cole taunts pushing the little patience I have left tonight. “You’ll take over the club? Because you can’t even take care of yourself lately, what the fuck makes you think you’ll be able to take care of a club?”
“Guess we’ll have to find out, won’t we?” I growl back, not meaning it at all, but if he’s going to be taking low blows tonight, so am I.
I move to step around Cole, reaching out for Kadence again until I feel the crunch of a fist against my cheekbone. My body stumbles backward and to the side as I feel something warm drip from my cheek. I reach up, feeling the red sticky liquid leaking from the new gash.
“Cole!” Kadence yells, rushing to my side. “What the hell is wrong with you!”
“He’s what’s fuckin’ wrong with me!” Cole yells back, shaking out his hand and flexing his fingers to ward off the pain.
I stand, glancing down at her. Shaking my head as she lifts her fingers to the broken skin. “I’m fine,” I whisper, wrapping my hand gently around her wrists. My gaze lifts to Cole, “If you’re expecting me to hit you back, you better not hold your breath.”