Page 43 of All Our Ghosts
Cole just stares back at me, anger fuming between us and long overdue unspoken words threatening to spill out. His eyes cast to Kadence, staring at her like he expects more from her.
“I hope you know what you’re getting into with him.”
“I can handle myself, Cole,” she says, and I feel pride swell within me again, unable to help the way the corners of my mouth upturn slightly.
Cole just laughs at her, making my blood boil more than it already is. “Tell that to the scared little girl who’s been occupying my office.”
“I don’t know who gave you the claim over me Cole, but it sure as hell wasn’t me. I appreciate everything you’ve done for me, but you aren’t my father.” She steps up to him. “So I think it’s best we go to bed and revisit whatever dick-measuring contest you two clearly need to have in the morning.”
She turns back to me, “I’m going to bed. Join me or not, but we’re still having that conversation either way.”
I nod. “I’m right behind you.”
Kadence nods in response, stepping around Cole’s hulking frame, and makes her way up the stairs. I watch her, waiting until she’s inside and the door is shut before I snatch Cole by the collar of his vest.
“Hit me again, O’Neil, and you’ll find out just how easy it is to lose this club.” I seeth at my friend, staring back at him without words. I’m not sure if the threat’s real or not and I know Cole is questioning it but we both know that I’ve gotten us into shit that’s going to be a fucking hell storm to get out of.
I release him before making my way up the stairs and knocking on the apartment door as Cole makes his way across the lot to the clubhouse. The door swings open, and Kadence meets me in her tank top and jeans. She gazes up at me. I can see the exhaustion in her face and though I want to tell her everything, she needs the rest.
She moves aside, letting me into the apartment. I step inside and turn back to her, watching as she shuts the door and locks it.Good girlI think, before taking a step towards her.
Her hand comes between us, stopping me before pointing to the bed. “Sit.”
I do as I’m told, watching her carefully as she moves past me. Kadence begins searching the cupboards, opening and closing the doors until she stops. I can see her pull a rag from the shelf and close the door before taking it over to the sink and letting it run under the water.
After a moment she rings out the excess water and turns to me before moving to stand in front of me. I glance up at her, my eyes never leaving hers as I part my thighs letting her slide between them.
She gingerly grasps my chin, turning my gashed cheek to her. My hands find the backs of her thighs, squeezing them gently as she makes her assessment. I’m surprised when she doesn’tflinch away from me, instead just runs her thumb gently over the bruised and red skin. With furrowed brows she inspects it before raising her other hand and swiping away the now thick and sticky blood from my cheek.
The towel is colder than I would like, making me wince as the water hits the particularly tender spots on my cheek. I stare up at her, making a mental roadmap of her features in case this is the last time I’ll be able to see them.
“Thank you,” I whisper as she nods, moving to sit next to me and tossing the rag into the small sink.
Her eyes meet mine. “What happened tonight?”
I turn cupping her face, tongue running along my bottom lip, “You became my first priority.” I lean in pressing my forehead to hers, my eyes sliding closed. “Watson’s threats weren’t empty,” I whisper. “I’ll explain everything, but I need you to promise to help me keep you safe.”
“Please.” There’s that plea again. “Just promise me.” Tonight is the first night I fully and completely believe that Becca’s death was not an accident and it terrifies me to have so many unanswered questions.
I open my eyes to meet hers, praying that she’ll just say the words. For once not fight me, but just…trust me.
Kadence slides her hand to the back of my neck and I feel myself once again lean into her. Her lips part and as she sucks in a breath she begins nodding softly.
“I promise.”
Fear creeps into the deep blue of his eyes as his hands find my face. His warmth flows through my cheeks as he makes me promise him that I’ll be safe. I have my questions, and even with the worry slowly clawing its way up my spine, I want nothing more than to feel more of him.
“I’ll do whatever it takes to keep you safe.” Holden’s voice cuts through the million questions that have started to spiral in my mind.
I pull back from him, pushing the ball-cap off the top of his head to really get a good look at him. His cheek has already started to bruise but at least the bleeding has stopped. I comb my fingers through his hair, pressing my forehead to his.
“I don’t even know what you’re keeping me safe from,” I whisper.
“Watson, for one,” he admits, “and whatever else tries to come for us.”