Page 84 of Alfie: Part One
“Yeah, aight. Bye.”
Fair enough, not too much to eavesdrop on there.
I stepped out of the shadows and onto the path leading to the driveway, and I cleared my throat to alert the boy to my presence.
He spun around next to Alfie’s SUV.
“Good morning, Colby,” I said. “Did you sleep all right?”
“Uh, yeah. That’s one comfy-ass bed, sir.” He squinted for the sun. “Is the boss up yet?”
“Ah, no. I’m letting him sleep in,” I replied. “But there’s breakfast on the terrace if you’re interested. I’m sure Alfie will be up soon enough.”
“Oh, okay. Yeah, I could eat.” He hesitated for a beat, so I nodded at the door and held it open for him. That lit a fire under his ass, and he hurried over. “Thanks. I don’t wanna overstep, and if the boss has plans?—”
“I assure you, he has no plans for the next couple of hours, and you have to eat.” I took the lead through the kitchen. “Do you drink coffee? Otherwise, there’s juice outside.”
“Juice is nice. Damn, so is this house.”
“Thank you.” I glanced back at him, and he was taking it all in. “Speaking of, there’s no overstepping here. Make yourself comfortable. Including calling Alfie by his name.”
I stopped at a cabinet to grab an extra plate and bowl, and then a spoon from the top drawer.
“Okay…” He’d probably stick to sir and boss for a while.
I smiled to myself and slid open the doors to the terrace. Colby reminded me a little of Alfie. Not in appearance—Colby’s hair was a much lighter brown, and he was shorter and scrawnier too. Pale green eyes, a scar on his chin, softer features. But how he fumbled with his words and seemed a little rough around the edges was so Alfie. Like Alfie had told me last night. Or this morning.
Ellie was cuddled up in a lounger with a blanket and her tablet, and Trip was almost finished with his breakfast.
The sun was already brutal, so I had no plans on venturing out to the row of loungers anytime soon. In this heat, I stayed under the terrace roof, where I had not only shade but a ceiling fan and an AC unit that Alfie used to mock me for.
“AC outside? Are you fucking crazy, papi? You’re literally throwing money away.”
Sue me. I didn’t deal well with extreme heat, and we had ninety-four degrees in the forecast for today. It was absurd.
“Is that Daddy’s friend, Daddy?” Ellie asked. “Can we wake him up now?”
One thing at a time. “It is, princess. This is Colby,” I said. “And no, we will let Daddy sleep a while longer.” I pulled out a chair for Colby before I sat down in the one next to his. “Colby, this is my son Trip, and that’s Ellie over there.”
“Hi.” Trip stuck the last of his muffin into his mouth and turned to me. “Can I go in the pool now?”
“Sure, but take it easy for a while,” I told him. “No diving or spending more time on the bottom of the pool until your food’s settled.”
It was my laziest breakfast so far this summer. I usually liked to prepare a nice spread if I didn’t have work early, because I tended to sit here for hours while the children were in the pool. But this morning, I was useless. I’d brought out store-bought muffins, including one kind that didn’t upset Ellie’s stomach too much, milk and cereal, and some fruit.
“Feel free to raid the fridge, Colby,” I said and picked up my coffee mug. “I’m afraid I was too tired to do anything elaborate.”
“What’re you talkin’ about? This is plenty.” He grabbed a blueberry muffin and dove for the milk and cereal too.
I sipped my coffee and unfolded my newspaper, though I had no intention of reading it. I wasn’t sure I could. I only wanted to sleep.
Preferably in the guest room with Alfie…
Yesterday had messed me up irrevocably. As if the outing to the park hadn’t been enough? I’d had to wait through the night,worried sick about what his dumb ass might get himself into, and then listening to him in the kitchen when he got back…?