Page 52 of Feint
This wasn’t a huge bedroom, and besides the bed I was on, there was a desk and a chair. The overhead light was a little bulb missing its cover, and the walls had a fading light-blue paint on it. There wasn’t even a closet, but there was a small window on one wall, so at least I would be able to tell when it was daytime out there.
A few minutes later, he returned, holding a plate and a glass of water. I didn’t even realize how hungry and thirsty I had been until I saw that. I licked my lips and gulped.
“Here, I can’t do anything with you lying down like that.”
He set the stuff down on the desk and walked over to me, moving me to where I was sitting against the wall the bed was pushed up against. Then, he grabbed the cup and walked back.
“Here, take a drink, and then I’ll pop a couple of pills into your mouth. Don’t worry, they are just for the pain.”
He held the glass to my lips. If what he gave me did knock me out, then at least I wouldn't have to deal with this headache then either.
I took a sip, then another, and let him drop the pills into my mouth. I swallowed them. I took another sip before he pulled the glass away.
“But I’m still thirsty!” I protested.
He looked at me and put the glass down and grabbed the plate. I saw a sandwich on it.
“You need to take a few bites of food first, and then you can have more.”
He held the sandwich to my mouth, and I took a bite, chewing it. I reached out and took another. I did this until almost the whole thing was gone. Then, I leaned my head back against the wall.
“Better?” he asked me as he sat down in the chair and stared at me.
“Umm… yeah, a little… So… I’ve never been kidnapped before. Are you supposed to feed your captive? Isn’t this supposed to be scarier?” Maybe I was sticking my foot in my mouth, but I was curious.
He laughed. “It ain’t you we’re after. Nah, you are just a means to an end. And I’ve never been much for killing women. If you do as you’re told, go along with everything, you should walkaway from this fine in the end.” He leaned back in the chair and crossed his arms. His stare made me fidget in place.
“If not me… who are you trying to get to? It’s not Jayden, is it? Or my parents?” Worry hit me.Please don’t let this guy be after my family.
He laughed loudly, and I wasn’t sure what was more unnerving. Him sitting there, feeding me like it was the most natural thing in the world, or his laugh at my question just now.
“Not after your family, girl. We’re after your man,” he sneered at me, leaning forward.
“K-Kordell? Why are you after him?!” My stomach dropped.
What is going on? What did Kordell get himself mixed up in, and what do they want him for?
“Let’s just say, your man isn’t a good man. He’s done things to our MC that’s unforgivable, except by blood. Now that we have you in our possession, he won’t have any choice but to give up. That is, if he wants his girl to live.”
He stood up and walked over to the edge of the bed in front of me, and I tucked my legs as close to me as I could. He reached out and put his hand on my legs.
“P-please don’t hurt me… Please… I-I don’t want to die!” I cried out.
He pressed a finger of his other hand on my lips. He shook his head back and forth as he shushed me.
“Straighten your legs and roll over onto your stomach. I’m going to adjust your bonds to something more comfortable for your stay. Like I said, I don’t want to have to hurt a woman. But if you would rather sit in these ties, I’ll leave you now.”
He leaned away from me.
I thought about it for a split second before shouting, “W-wait! These hurt. Please change them.”
I slid my legs out toward him, and he stomped back over. Reaching down, he untied the knots, and after a few minutes Icould move my legs wider. I could take small half steps now if I needed to. He gave me a look and motioned for me to roll over, and I did. Lying on my front on the bed, I felt his hands on my arms, then one gripped my restraint. But then I felt his other hand go down the small of my back and over my ass.
“Damn, you sure do have a nice ass. I can see why one of their patched members would like to fuck you.”
I whimpered. He pulled my restraints.
“Relax. I’m just taking a feel, not gonna fuck you, unless you get out of hand.” His voice was stern as he started to untie one of my hands. After that, he pushed me to my side, still holding on to the hand with restraints on it. “Bring your other hand out in front of you. Hurry up.”