Page 19 of Missing Pieces
He grimaces like he doesn’t want to face the fact I’m not going to become a permanent resident of White Creek. “You know people do drive trucks in Florida.”
I’m surprised he remembered where I was going. “I just don’t see myself with a truck.”
He sighs, “SUV then. You need something to climb that hill. Although you don’t know what kind of fun you could have in a truck.” He winks at me.
“For fuck’s sake stop with the sexual innuendos!” I scream.
Easton steps closer to me backing me up against my front door, enclosing me within his arms. “I wasn’t talking about your truck bed fantasy, sweet cheeks. Although that could be arranged.”
My face turns red and my knees weaken. This man has too much power over my emotions. I push at his solid chest hard enough to make him take a step back, “I will not be anywhere near a truck bed with you. Now leave me alone so I can clean up.”
He takes a step back, the smile still holding smugly across his face. “You sure you don’t want to invite me in?”
“Positive.” A loud clap of thunder rings overhead causing me to jump.
“You won’t say no next time,” he says as he turns around and walks to his truck. I am so glad I got out of that situation because if he kept his game up, I might have succumbed to my weaknesses.
I unlock the front door and turn on the light switch, but nothing happens. I flip it on and off twice.
Fuck me. The storm must have blown out the power and I have no idea how to use the generator Ivy said was in the back.
I walk outside and see Easton jumping into his truck. God help me for having to do this.
“Wait!” I yell.
He just sits in the truck staring at me. I let loose a string of curse words and run back out into the rain. “My power’s out and I don’t know how to use the generator. Can you help me?”
“You invitin’ me in?” He grins.
“No.” I stand my ground. “I’m asking you to turn on the generator. In the backyard. That involves no entering of the premises.”
He jumps out of the truck and walks toward the house not even acknowledging what I said. Then he goes and walks right in the front door! I run after him shouting, “Hey I didn’t say you could-“
“Well, I’m already inside.” He spreads his arms out in a gesture.
“Whatever,” I mumble.
He looks at me with an air of accomplishment in his eyes. “Ivy’s had me turn it on for her a few times. I know where it’s at.” He is about to head toward the back door when he asks, “Why do you smell like syrup and look like someone tried to stab you?”
“Another fun day at the office.” I glance at myself in the mirror in the foyer and embarrassment takes over. My hair is a rat’s nest. I have mascara dripping down my face and ketchup that is half rinsed out is splattered across my chest. I look down and see my muddy feet. I am a mess. I pull my shoes off and throw them out the front door not wanting to track mud through the house. I look at Easton and see his are just as bad. “Shoes.” I point toward his feet.
He looks down and says, “But I gotta go turn the generator on.”
“Then go around the side of the house to get to the back.”
He stomps his muddy feet over to me ensuring clumps of mud fall all over the floor. “You have syrup in your hair.” He brushes a finger through my hair that remains sticky despite the rain.
“I know.”
“And ketchup on your shirt.” He runs his finger down my chest and sends shivers through me.
“You are very observant.”
His fingers reach the waistband of my shorts and just when I think he is about to say something else, he walks out the front door and leaves me with an unwanted feeling of need.
A few minutes later the lights come on. Easton walks back around to the front of the house. I am about to thank him when he leans down close to me, his hair is wet from the rain and is dripping down my neck and shoulder, he whispers into my ear, “Next time you’ll be inviting me in.” His breath is warm against my ear and it nearly makes me melt. I close my eyes and hold in a whimper. Coldness meets my chest and when I open my eyes, he’s already back in his truck and pulling away.
I’m going to need a cold shower.