Page 20 of Missing Pieces
Chapter Twelve
I wake up for work the next morning and start to get ready when I realize I have no way of getting to work. My car is still stuck at the bottom of the hill. And I don’t have Easton’s number. My only option is to call Ivy and ask for it. Just as I’m about to call her, I hear a honking from the driveway. I run to the front door and pull the curtain to the side.
Easton is sitting in his truck yawning. He sees me and waves. I hold up my finger to tell him one minute. I can’t believe he came here to pick me up. I can only assume he knew I was working since Trace and Ivy are out of town and it’s only the two of us at the café. I change into work clothes relatively fast but am very aware of what I am putting on. I don’t know why it matters, I don’t have feelings for him!
At least that’s what I keep telling myself. I find a cute navy sundress that might just show my boobs a little more than I’m used to. I throw a yellow cardigan over it, put on my white gym shoes, grab my purse and run out the door.
“Mornin’ sunshine,” he greets as I get in the truck.
“Morning. Thanks for the ride. I should have asked you yesterday. But then with all the commotion and everything I completely forgot. I thought I was going to have to walk.” I realize I’m rambling. I never ramble.
“Don’t worry about it. Knew you had to work since Trace and Ivy are tryin’ to make more babies or whatever. And I should go into the shop early anyway to get some work done and get your car out of the mud.”
He pulls out of the driveway and we head into town. We don’t really talk much, but at least this time the silence isn’t awkward.
Just as we pull up to the diner, he says, “Sorry I’ve been kind of a dick to you. I just am sometimes. Can’t really help it.”
I look over at him and shrug. “It’s fine. I’m used to assholes.”
He reaches over and grabs my hand, “No. It’s not.” I look down and see his hand on mine. He pulls it away abruptly like he didn’t mean to do it.
“I don’t know anything about you, other than you’re getting divorced. I’ve been through that. It sucks the life out of you. And you don’t need me around makin’ things worse.”
My eyes meet his. This is the first time I heard him say anything personal about himself other than when I was eavesdropping and it’s like his whole demeanor has changed. He doesn’t seem like a pompous asshole. Even his eyes draw out some remorse.
“You don’t make things worse,” I mutter. I turn my body toward him, looping one leg under the other on the seat. “I just—I don’t really know how to act around people. You are all so different here.” His eyes narrow and I realize I probably sound like a bitch. “Not different in a bad way. Different in a good way. Where I’m from we just keep to ourselves. No one talks to strangers unless it’s to benefit themselves. And I guess—I guess I am just trying to adapt to it here.”
I fold my hands into my lap and look down as I fold and unfold my thumbs. This time when his hand goes back to covering mine and I look at him he doesn’t pull away. “Sometimes it feels easier to keep everything inside you.”
It’s weird to see this side of Easton and I don’t know where it came from. The last few weeks I’ve only known him to be the flirty, fun guy. Never serious. I take a deep breath and ask, “When did you get divorced?”
“Five years ago.”
I exhale and can’t believe I am admitting this to him. I barely even told Ivy how I feel except for the anger. “It hurts.” I pause. “It’s so much harder than I thought it would be.” I keep my eyes locked on our hands.
He grips my hand tighter, rubbing his thumb over mine. “I thought I was making the worst decision of my life when I decided to separate from Ashton. Looking back, it was the right thing.” He grabs my chin and raises it to meet his eyes. “You’ll get through this no matter how much it hurts.”
I nod and break away from him and his hands. It was beginning to feel too intimate and I needed to breathe again.
He clears his throat, he must have gotten lost in the moment, too. “I’ll come by when the diner closes with your car.”
“Thank you.” I open the door and climb out of the truck.
“Hey,” he says. I look up at him before closing the door. “Don’t let your feelings stay heavy today. I shouldn’t have said that stuff so early in the morning. Have a good day.”
I nod, shut the door, and walk into the diner. It was easy to push Easton away when he was being a prick, but now that he has a heart I feel like my life just got a lot more complicated.
* * *
Work went by quickly today and before I know it, it’s three o’clock. I make quick work of wiping down tables and restocking the napkin holders. Luke tells me he finished the kitchen and asks if I want any help, but I tell him to enjoy his Saturday night. Once I have all the prep work done for tomorrow, I shut off the lights, grab my cardigan and purse, and head to the door.
I look up and see Easton leaning against a dark green pickup with his arms folded across his chest, one leg crossed over the ankle in tight ass jeans, cowboy boots, and that damn cowboy hat. He looks sexy as hell standing there, his muscles bulging out of his black t-shirt but that isn’t what is making me feel like the temperature just jumped ten degrees. He’s staring at me like he could devour me. His eyes scream sex and I feel like he might jump me when I walk out the door.
I successfully walk outside without being jumped and turn around to lock the door. I’m surprised he is still leaning on the truck when I turn around. “New truck?”
“Where’s my car?”