Page 53 of Missing Pieces
Chapter Twenty-Two
I jump out of his truck the next morning trying to dodge the rain. He follows me to the door for some reason. “I am more than capable of unlocking a door by myself you know.”
“I don’t know about that, you might need help.”
I push him away and open the door. He follows me in. “We aren’t open.”
“I know. But can I get a coffee anyway?”
I turn toward him and tap my chin. “Hmmm let me think about this. Nope. No coffee.”
He wraps his arms around me and kisses me deeply. “How about now?”
“I guess I can see what I can do. I might need a better payment though.”
He kisses me again. More feverishly this time. And I let myself relax into his arms.
“I really hope y’all don’t plan on having sex in here when I am not here one of these days.”
I jump back as Ivy walks through the front door. Easton chuckles and I slap his arm.
“We wouldn’t dream of it, Ivy, I know this is your and Trace’s spot. If Harper ever needs an afternoon quickie all she’s got to do is come over to the shop.” He winks at me and then takes a seat at the bar.
I walk over to the coffee machine and start it up.
Easton starts texting on his phone and I do some morning prep work. He glances up at me and gives me a weak smile.
I pour him a cup of coffee to go and set it in front of him. “What’s wrong?”
He rubs his eyes. “I need to take care of some stuff later. I know we were gonna have dinner tonight, but I might have to postpone it 'til Saturday.”
“Your sister?”
He nods. I place a reassuring hand on his shoulder. “Dinner on Saturday sounds perfect.”
He stands up and kisses the top of my head. “Thanks, Edy. I am going to make this up to you. Start thinking of what you want to eat. Anything. I’ll make it.”
He walks out of the diner and I go back to prep work. I see Ivy looking at me and I just shake my head at her.
“You know I’ve known him for ten years. And I was totally trying to hook y’all up. But I meant as a fling. And I know y’all have only been at it for the last few days but honey, Trace nor I ain’t ever seen that man act the way he is ‘cept around you. Not even with Ashton. And I haven’t seen him act like an asshole pretty much since you came here. I don’t know what you’ve done to him but whatever it is you need to keep it up.”
I obviously haven’t known him as long as Ivy or Trace but even since I first met him I have noticed him becoming a different man. At least around me. He was an ass to Quinn and that blonde from last night, but it’s like he’s let that wall down around me and I have no idea why.
“I also want to say this and please do not fight me on it or interrupt me,” Ivy continues. “But I fear that if you leave you’ll break that man’s heart and he will be forever broken. I don’t know how much he’s told you about his family and his sisters besides what I’ve told you but between that and Ashton he’s a lost soul. He’ll never admit it. But he’s been hurting for a while. And I am so scared that if you leave him, there will be very few pieces left of him to put back together. Now I ain’t saying you need to marry him. But I don’t want you to make the money you need and just leave. It wouldn’t only be his heart that breaks.”
I look at Ivy and can see her fighting back tears. I think about everything I’ve done in the last six weeks. I’ve worked so hard at dealing with my life and trying to mend my heart. But along the way, I made a friend, one of the best ones I think I’ve had my entire life. I’ve started to do the things I am so passionate about in my life and have people wanting me to do designing for them. I’ve made a new group of friends that don’t judge me and accept me with all my flaws, and I’ve found a man that one day I think I’ll be able to love when my heart is ready.
I ran away from my old life because I had nothing left. But I had no idea I would find a place that is beginning to feel like a home.
“I’m staying,” I squeak out barely audible.
“Did I just hear you right? Did you just say you were staying?”
I swear that woman has insane hearing. I feel sorry for her children.
“Yes,” I mumble.
“Oh my god!” Ivy screams. “Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god.”