Page 12 of Broken Pieces
Chapter Seven
I lean my hands against the shower wall as I let the hot water wash the dirt off my sweaty back. I’ve been working double duty by helping out my brother and my dad on their farms. I might be young and spry, most definitely spry, but fourteen-hour workdays, seven days a week will talk a toll on anyone. My dad told me he was working on hiring someone and I can only hope it happens sooner rather than later. Even though I want to punch my brother, Brett, in the face half the time, I would rather work for him than my dad. Sometimes it can feel suffocating at my parents’ house, especially at twenty-four.
My buddies texted me to meet them at Sawyer’s. Normally I would say no, but I need to let off some steam and a few drinks and hopefully some pussy will help.
I wipe the steam off the bathroom mirror and take a razor to my five o’clock shadow. I take a good look at the lines forming around my eyes and sigh. Some days I feel older than I am after everything I’ve been through. But it was my fault and I have learned to take full responsibilities for my actions.
I hate when my head goes dark. It makes getting through the days hard, but I have work to mask the feeling. It’s the nights that are the most difficult, when time seems to slow, and you begin to question everything you have ever done. Everything you have lost.
I pull on a pair of jeans and manage to find a clean white shirt. I walk to my bedroom door but stop. I walk to my closet and pull out the bottle of whiskey I keep hidden. The one my dad would most definitely throw away and keep me on lockdown if he found it.
I take a large swig and place it back in its hiding place. I really do hope my dad finds a replacement for me soon.
* * *
I laugh obnoxiously as I watch my buddy, Mac, try to hit on a girl that is blatantly not interested in him.
I am glad I came out, after a few beers the darkness clouding my head has faded and I am feeling like myself again.
Sawyer’s is beginning to get rowdy which isn’t too uncommon for a Friday night. It only increases my chances of getting laid tonight. I scan the room looking for someone that might lead me to better luck than Mac is having when I see her.
She is more beautiful than the first time I saw her. Her honey-colored hair is flowing down her shoulders and her eyes are lined making her emerald eyes pop even more. She is laughing at something the guy next to her is saying and I watch as he wraps an arm around her shoulder. She freezes from his touch. It makes me curious why, but it only lasts for a second as she grabs a shot off the bar and relaxes more into his arms.
The guy looks like a total prick. Not that I can say I am much better but I know for sure I would treat her better than feeding her booze to score. I don’t need that shit, my smile alone is enough to melt panties off any women. Believe me, it’s worked.
When I see him try to kiss her and she pulls away, my feet move without thought. I squeeze in next to her and cut a glare at the guy. Closer up to his group I know who he is now. A group of asshole kids from Towson who I used to sell drugs to a few years ago.
Before everything changed.
Raelynn turns toward me, and I watch as her eyes bug out when she sees me.
“What are you doing here?” I ask without trying to sound like I am prying too much. But the girl is on house arrest so I know this can’t be good.
She glares at me before reluctantly answering, “Trace and Ivy are out of town.”
“So that is why you are here?”
“I am not an idiot,” she scoffs. “I wouldn’t show up here unless I knew Trace wouldn’t be here to report to my brother.”
“So where is your keeper?”
“On a date.”
“Ahh, so you snuck out of the house hoping to get your rocks off,” I tease.
“No, I came here to have fun. Not to get laid.” She looks me up and down. “Unlike you.”
“How do you know that’s why I’m here?”
“Oh please, you’re clean shaven, I can smell your cologne from here and your shirt is clean. No guy puts that much effort into going out unless he’s hoping to ‘get his rocks off.’”
“Good to know you kept me in your memory so well,” I laugh. “How did you get here anyway? You sure as hell didn’t walk this far in this heat.”
She nods to the group of guys she’s near. The one who was touching her earlier giving me a dirty look.
“You let these losers take you out, but you turned me down?”