Page 81 of Broken Pieces
I look up into his eyes that match mine. “You never made me feel less. You were just trying to get me to find myself. And if you weren’t there for me when you were, I don’t know if we would be here today.”
He wraps me tighter in his arms as we both let the tears fall. Not over the years we lost together but over the years we know we gained back.
That feeling of lightness hits me again full force. I never thought I would have a good relationship with my brother after everything I put him through. But forgiveness is a powerful drug and the only drug that can mend you.
“So how does Brooks play into all of this?”
I cringe when he brings him up. I was comfortable talking to him about my past, but Brooks is a whole other can of worms I don’t want to get into.
“I know you are living in that cottage together.”
I sit still as a ghost.
“And he denied that anything was going on between you. But the concern in his voice a few nights ago told me otherwise. I’ve seen the way you two look at each other. Don’t think I haven’t noticed.”
I sigh and break away from his arms. “It’s nothing, Easton. It’s a fling.”
He shakes his head at me, concern in his eyes. “It sounds like much more than a fling according to Brooks. That boy is falling in love with you, Rae.”
“No, he isn’t. We’re just sleeping together.” This is not the conversation I want to be having with my brother.
“Maybe you should ask him if that is how he sees this.”
I stand and walk to the edge of the porch. “I told him that’s all it could be.”
The sternness in Easton’s voice brings out the father figure. “Be careful Rae. He isn’t a good kid.”
I sigh in frustration. “You think I don’t know? I know he was in jail. I know he is on probation.”
“Do you know what for?”
I turn around and face him. “I don’t want to make it my problem. So, no.”
He rubs his hands through his hair. “Maybe you should make it your problem before you get hurt again.”
“What does that even mean?”
“Sorry to interrupt but dinner is ready,” Harper says, sticking her head out the back door.
“You need to talk to him, Rae.”
I roll my eyes. If I talk to him, it’s going to make our relationship feel like more than it is. But knowing my brother, he won’t drop it until I agree. “Fine, brother dearest. I’ll talk to him.”
The answer seems to be good enough as we walk inside for dinner. The conversation changes at the table and becomes much more pleasant.
I end up staying the night so I can spend more time with my nephew.
But thoughts of Brooks circulate my brain as I try to fall asleep.