Page 84 of Broken Pieces
Rae pushes off me, her cheeks flushing.
“Don’t worry Summer we only do the naughty things in here at night,” I say. I feel a towel hit the back of my head.
“I don’t want to hear any of this,” Summer says while pressing her fingers against her ear. “I came in here to find you. Brett’s looking for you.”
“Of course, he is,” I mumble.
Summer grabs two sandwiches out of the fridge. “Go bring him his lunch. He’s crabby.”
“I know.” I take the sandwiches and walk out of the kitchen.
I head into the barn where Brett is working and toss a sandwich at him.
“How’s Rae?” he asks.
“Dude, can you get over this?”
He shakes his head, smirking. “Not until you admit you have feelings.”
“Why does it matter to you?” I yell.
“Because I don’t want to see either one of you get hurt.”
I sit on a haystack against the wall. “What’s going on is between me and her. And if I am going to say anything about my feelings, it’s going to be to her.”
Brett takes a bite of his sandwich, chews and swallows. “Well at least you are admittin’ you have feelings now.”
He is pissing me off and before I can control my mouth, I shout, “Of course I have feelings. I’m fucking in love with her.”
He looks at me in shock. The feeling mutual. It’s the first time I have said it out loud.
“You need to tell her,” he says to me with a straight face.
“I know.”
“I like her, man. I think she is good for you. Just like I think you are good for her.”
I nod, not sure what to say.
I sit motionless. He doesn’t say much else just nods his head at me and walks out.
* * *
I’m leaning over the bathroom sink when Rae walks in on me. She slides her hands up under my shirt as I meet her eyes in the mirror. I know Brett is right. I need to tell her how I feel.
I spin around, her arms remaining steady on my body. I lean down and kiss her, slowly, trying to portray everything I am about to tell her through my lips. She lifts my shirt over my head and pulls me closer to her, her legs wrapping around my waist. I refrain from moving things any further without talking to her.
I carry her out onto the couch, her kisses trailing up and down my neck. I sit us down on the couch. She is sitting on my lap and I hold her close fearing this conversation might make her run.
I push a loose strand of hair behind her ear. “I need to tell you something, Rae.”
She kisses down my neck. “Can’t it wait? I missed you last night.”
“I missed you too, Blue.”
She leans in to kiss me again, but I stop her with my fingers. “I need you to know something Rae.” I pause to see her reaction. But she just sits there waiting for me to continue. I take a deep breath. “I’ve fallen in love with you.”
She tries to jump off me, but I still have one hand wrapped around her waist.