Page 93 of Broken Pieces
Brooks looks at me in awe. “Exactly Rae. If they create the weapon, they create the cure.”
I shake my head at them. “You all are crazy. Are the lizard people going to be running this new government or will they stay in hiding or will they start looking for Big Foot?
“I don’t find your attitude funny,” Mac deadpans.
I stand up. “I am going to get a beer. You two can discuss the next UFO sighting or whatever.”
Brooks grabs my arm and pulls me back onto the bench. “Come on Rae. You have to be into this.”
“Nope. But by all means, if this is how you want to spend your time, go right ahead.”
“You read mysteries and horror all the time, Rae. Can’t you find a little humor in this?”
I look into his pleading eyes. And I get lost in them. He brings a hand to my cheek and kisses me softly on the lips.
I sigh as I give in. I know he is into this and I might as well listen. “Fine. I have been known to read a sci-fi every now and then. Can’t be much different.”
Brooks squeezes my hand and I swing my legs back around the table letting Mac continue his tirade.
“It is much different from sci-fi, but I can see where you may confuse the two.”
I let the two of them talk for an hour. I am worried Mac might have lost some of his marbles, but it is entertaining and keeps my mind off the contest.
* * *
We end up spending the rest of the day going on carnival rides and playing games just like we all did as a kid. When Brooks forced me to go to on the Zipper, I thought I was going to puke. Tip: Don’t drink beer and then go on rides that flip you upside down. Luckily, I managed to keep my lunch down.
I made Brooks play the strong man game where you hit the sledgehammer on the plate and the lever rises. He barely made it to the top after three tries and I couldn’t stop laughing. He ended up paying for another round and hit the damn thing so hard I thought he was going to break it. His first try on that round he set the bell off and won a giant stuffed purple bear for me. I saw a little girl crying because she didn’t pick the right rubber ducky to win a prize. I gave her the bear and she smiled so big, her tongue slipped through her missing two front teeth. Purple was her favorite color.
Brooks helped make the time pass, in a few inappropriate ways, and before I knew it, it was fifteen minutes prior to judging time.
My hand was a vice around Brooks’ hand as we sat waiting for the results to be announced.
“I love you. I know you are going to win.”
I look over at him and smile. “You never know, there could be some eight-year-old prodigy here.”
“I doubt it. Only one of those in this town in a lifetime.”
I roll my eyes at him.
“No one would turn down your pie, Blue. It’s the best tasting dessert I’ve ever had.”
Mac shows up and sits behind us next to Easton, Harper, baby Theo, Summer, and Brett. He leans over and says, “You two are talking about the pie she entered into the contest, right? I really hope you aren’t talking about something else Brooks.”
Brooks smirks at Mac over his shoulder, “You’ll never know.”
I hit Brooks across the chest with the back of my hand and peek over my shoulder to see if my brother heard. Brooks grabs my hand and squeezes it as the announcer walks onto the stage.
“Alright, fine folks of Creek County. We have had a tough competition here today. A lot of very talented bakers entered their pies into this contest. And a lot of very lucky judges got to eat said pies. Unfortunately, I wasn’t allowed to taste any of them.” The crowd laughs as he continues. “I am gonna call our top five on to the stage. Only three will go home with the prestigious awards tonight.”
Brooks squeezes my hand again as the announcer unfolds a piece of paper.
“Our top five contestants are Sandra Hershey, Judith Maskill, Bobby Adams, Raelynn Calloway, and Thomas Johnson. Please step up on stage.”
I go to stand, excitement flooding through my veins, but Brooks pulls me back down and places a kiss on my lips. “Go get that blue ribbon, Blue.”
I smile at him as I stand up and walk toward the stage. I take my place amongst the other contestants, but I keep my eyes on Brooks. His eyes shining with pride as I stand on stage for the first time in four years.