Page 25 of Holley Jolly Biker
She sighed, “Okay, let me think about it. Okay?”
I nodded, “You got it. But do me a solid. Yeah?”
She tilted her head to the side and asked, “And that is?”
“Give me your number,” I told her.
Then she smiled, and as I put her number in, I texted her so she would have mine.
It was as I watched them driveway that I felt a sharp pang in my chest.
They weren’t supposed to leave.
I was supposed to be in that car.
Getting them to where they needed to go.
Being the first line of defense.
But that time would come.
Oh yes, it surely would come.
And for the next hour or so, I fielded questions left and fuckin’ right from all of them.
That night, as I lay in bed in my house that had finally finished, I closed my eyes, and all I could see was Ophelia in my kitchen, Soraya at her side making unicorn brownies.
Somethin’ I would be askin’ for on every birthday.
I saw Ophelia curled up on my couch with a book in her hands while the fire blazed on.
I saw a swing in the backyard where Soraya spent most of her time.
Mostly, I just saw them in my life.
And what a life that would be.
Just before I fell asleep that night, my phone chimed with a text.
I flipped it open and smiled when I saw Ophelia’s name, I felt a smile form on my face.
Something I only seemed to do when it came to them.
Ophelia –If you were being serious, I’m going with my gut. I’m off for the next two days. So, whatever works for you.
The moment I read her text, I called Nuke.
He answered shortly thereafter and said, “Saint?”
“Need the next two days off,” I told him.
I heard him blow out a breath, which was a sign that he had a cigarette in his mouth.
He asked, “Care to explain?”
I smiled, “Taking Ophelia out on a date.”
One. Two. Three... “Your doin’ what now?”