Page 26 of Holley Jolly Biker
I explained myself to him again.
“When I woke up this mornin’, that was the very last thing I thought would ever come out of your mouth. Hell, if I’m bein’serious, I never thought I would hear those words. Least of all comin’ from you.” He said.
I sighed, “Yeah, well. Right one comes along. You know it. You feel it. You do everythin’ in your power to keep it.”
“Preach, brother. Alright, see you in a few days.” He said, and then we hung up.
Then I texted Ophelia.
Me –Pick you up tomorrow at 6.
Then I fell asleep for the first time in my life with a fuckin’ smile on my face.
Chapter 5
It was the next day.
I could have called Tempie or Agatha and asked what they thought about what I was doin’, but I decided against it.
If this was goin’ to work, then it needed to be me puttin’ in the work.
Therefore, I grabbed a bouquet of daisies and one of coral roses.
After I paid, I headed out to my truck.
Yes, I considered taking the bike, however, since it was a full moon and the crazies were out, I didn’t want to chance anything harming Ophelia.
And she had someone who depended on her.
I didn’t know about Soraya’s father. But I wanted to.
I wanted to know where that fucker was.
And as I drove to the Robbins’s place, I hoped that Ophelia had rented the house to the right and not the one to the left.
However, as I turned on the street and saw her Pontiac in the driveway to the left, I knew.
I knew that somehow, someway, I was goin’ to move them out of there the first chance I fuckin’ had.
Yes, the house was technically structurally sound.
But a strong wind could possibly blow it the fuck over.
And seeing as those two girls had somehow gotten under my skin and into my heart, that place wasn’t good enough for them.
Pulling into her driveway, I shut the truck off, tagged the flowers, opened my door, and climbed down.
I made it up the walk, wincing when the floorboards creaked underneath my weight.
Fuck. Me.
I took in a breath, not that I was nervous or anything like that.
But for a man who has never been on a date before in his life, well, this was a first for me.
Which was why, after another minute, I looked down at myself.