Page 27 of Holley Jolly Biker
A new black long-sleeve shirt, sleeves rolled up to the forearms, clean jeans, and black boots, my kutte on my back, and my hair slicked back and not underneath a ballcap, I took in a deep breath and knocked on the door.
I heard little feet scampering’ across the floor, and then I heard, “Soraya Anya Cartwright, you better ask who that is before you open the door.”
I chuckled.
She definitely had that mama voice down pat.
As I heard Soraya call out, “Whose there?”
I grinned, then said, “It’s me, princess.”
“It’s Saint, Monnie. Can I open the door?” that little voice called out.
“Yes,” I heard.
Then the door was opened, and there Soraya stood.
She looked me up and down, then nodded as if giving me her approval.
I winked down at her and then pulled the bouquet of daisies out from behind my back and handed them to her, “These are for you.”
Her little eyes widened, and then she gasped as she reached for them while whispering, “Thank you.”
Then I heard heels clicking on the floor, which caused my eyes to look up, and damn, but she took my fucking breath away.
She had on a form-fitted green dress that made her blonde hair shine.
Minimal make-up, which I fucking appreciated.
Cause when I saw her at the diner that first time, I had to do a double take to believe my eyes.
And when I saw her in Granger’s on that fateful day... I needed to get my cock under control.
Then, when she reached us, she smiled.
And when I saw what she had on, I had to bite my tongue not to laugh.
I didn’t want to embarrass her.
But... well... would she hate me if I let her walk out of her house like that?
It took me a split second to decide. Therefore, I said, “Umm, you might want to go back to the bathroom, baby.”
She tilted her head, then looked down at herself, then looked back up at me and asked, “Why?”
With my free hand, I opened my mouth and tapped on my teeth.
Her eyebrows scrunched together, and then she obviously felt what I was talking about with her tongue.
Then she gasped, “Oh no. Please tell me you're joking?”
Slowly, I shook my head, “No, ma’am.”
And like that, she spun round and raced down the hall.
I chuckled as I watched her go, admiring that perfect backside she wielded.
I wanted to take a nip out of that perfect round... Soraya’s voice pulled me from my thoughts, and I felt like the biggest piece of shit known to man.