Page 35 of Ky
“Hey,” he replies. “You’ve got yourself in a right mess, haven’t you?” Taking my hand in his. I so wish I felt something whenever he touches me. The zing I feel only whenever Ky was nearby. Happens for no other man.
He doesn’t have to touch me for me to feel it.
With everything that has happened, I can’t help the tears that track down my cheeks.
“What’s the matter, beautiful? You know you can tell me anything,” he asks, drawing circles with his thumb against my wrist. I know it’s not meant to be sexual, just something he’s gotten used to doing to soothe my jangled nerves. I desperately try to stop the tears welling in my eyes when he uses that endearment.
The need to leave is great. But this time, packing up and disappearing will be harder than all the other times.
“I’m pregnant!” I blurt out without thinking, and I could kick myself for it.
A deep sadness comes over his beautiful blue eyes, and I wonder if he feels for me more than he was letting on.
“I see. Aren’t you happy about it?”
I’m unable to stop the humorless laugh from escaping. “Zoe knows, she was there when the doctor came to see me.”
His eyes widen in surprise. “That must’ve been awkward to explain,” Is all he says. “I’m guessing it’s Ky’s?”
“Well, I haven’t slept with anyone else in this town.” I spat. Angry that he would question me in that way. “I’m so sorry for dumping you into my drama.” I apologize.
But he raises his hand, stopping the words from leaving my mouth.
“Don’t do that. You know we’re friends, and I’ve grown fond of you these last few months.”
“Me too.” I concur. “So, what are you suggesting?”
He looks at me and smiles. “If you need me to play daddy, then that’s what I’m gonna do,”
he declares, and I stare back at him in stunned silence.
“But what about Lily?” I ask when I’m able to speak again. I know Ky’s half-sister has a crush on Ink—the feelings are reciprocated, but he wasn’t about to ruin his position in the club for the girl, who just so happened to be Kick’s daughter. He’s fought hard to rise in the club, not coming by the position of Sargeant-At-Arms lightly.
He shrugs, and for a beat I can see indecision in his ice-blue eyes. “There’s nothing between me and Lily, you know that…” he begins.
“But I know you want there to be.” I prod. All the nights we stayed up late, talking about our non-existent love lives. I’ve learned a lot about the man.
“She’s the Prez’s daughter. There’s never gonna be anything between us,” he reiterates, and I stop arguing the point.
“Well, if you’re sure you’re prepared to claim your brother’s child as your own? How are you going to handle the rumors?” Was I really considering doing this? For so long, I wanted to tell Ky about Willow being his, but the right time never came. And now his ex is back in his life with a child they share. I won’t be the one to break up that family.
“Don’t worry about me, I’ll be fine. What about you? Are you sure you want to do this?” Ink asks. “Though it might just be the kick up the ass, Ky needs to get his head outta his ass, where you’re concerned.”
“Yeah, I doubt that very much. I will not be responsible for taking him away from his own child,” I say quickly.
“That’s if the kid really is his?” Ink mumbles almost to himself, even though I’d heard him clearly.
“Wait. What?” I demand. Was there a doubt? My heart went out to Ky and the little boy, and for his sake, I hope they were father and son.
“Forget I said anything,” Ink speaks, quickly changing the subject. “Since you don’t have anywhere to live, once you’re given the okay to leave the hospital, I hope you’re okay with staying at the clubhouse? Or we can look for a place to live together once you feel up to it,”
I force a smile, his enthusiasm almost rubbing off on me. But my feet are still firmly planted in reality. The idea of living at the clubhouse, where I’d have to see Ky every day, was unbearable to me; I’d have chosen anywhere else if I could. But I know I’ve thrown all of this into his lap, and I can see he’s trying.
Doubts surface, and I’m wondering if I’m doing the right thing by dragging Ink into my issues. But if I back out now, it will only make things worse. I’ve made my bed. I guess I have to lie in it. Maintaining a cool expression, I pray Ink doesn't notice my true feelings.
I feign tiredness, and soon after, Ink gets to his feet and announces he’s heading out. Relief washes over me, and I hate feeling this way. But I need some time alone to get myself under control. He’s a great guy, and I love him dearly for wanting to help me. But I just don’t know if I’m doing the right thing anymore.
Maybe I should tell Ky the truth and let the chips fall where they may? But then I think of the little boy who arrived with his mother, Ky’s ex, all those months ago. I wasn’t prepared to tear the child away from his father. I wouldn’t do it.