Page 36 of Ky
But before Ink can make his getaway, the doctor returns, telling us I was doing much better and was being released once the sonogram was complete.
Guilt washes over me that Ink is here instead of the baby’s real father. But that’s something I need to get over if we’re going to pull this off. When the sonogram was complete, the tension in my shoulders finally eased, replaced by a rush of joy knowing the baby was safe. The doctor's smile was warm and reassuring as he told me everything was progressing well. The sense of relief was almost overwhelming, and when I was discharged, I found myself smiling for the first time since the fire.
I lean forward in the uncomfortable plastic chair, resting my elbows on my knees and lowering my head into my hands. It’s been hours since I arrived at the hospital, and still I’ve been unable to see Sera. Unless she’s told the staff not to let me in, I can’t understand what the delay is. I’ve heard she’s cleared to have visitors. Fucking Ink has been in there sitting with her, and I’ve had to stop myself from wringing his fucking neck.
My father’s phone sounds, and I jerk my head to look at him as he answers. He stands and walks to the corner of the room, his eyes on me as he speaks to whoever is on the other end. I watch him carefully, and see his jaw tick, knowing he’s trying to keep himself in check.
I’m just about to get up from the chair and stalk across the room to find out what’s happening, when he rings off and returns to where me and the rest of the brothers are sitting.
Putting a hand on my shoulder, he says, “Church in an hour.”
Everleigh stands, and he wraps her in his arms before walking out together as one unit.
She had been by Sera’s kid’s bedside until now, only just replaced with Zoe. I felt a warmth run through me at the mere thought of how they’ve brought Sera into their circle, and by extension, her little girl.
“I wonder what that was about?” Riggs says, motioning with his chin towards our president and his ol’lady that just left. I shrug my shoulders.
“Who knows? But I guess we’ll find out soon enough.” Just then, Ink appears from Sera’s room, and I narrow my eyes at him. He looks back at me, an almost smug expression on his face—and I want to knock him into next week. I tighten my fists, coming to the realization that Sera doesn’t want to see me.
With that knowledge weighing on me, I finally stand, leaving the rest of my brothers in the waiting room, ignoring Ink’s voice as he calls out to me. He can kiss my lily-white ass. And almost burst out laughing at that thought.
Ever since she returned home, Lily’s done everything she can to avoid running into Ink. She’s been staying with her twin brother, Spider, and his kid, and helping at the gym, manning the phones.
Straddling my sled, I start her up, safe in the knowledge that at least she has never let me down, almost flying out of the hospital parking lot. I wanted to blow off Church and all my other responsibilities and just ride. I longed to escape this place, to ride my sled until the world around me was nothing but open sky and endless possibilities. But of course, I don’t, but I ride for a while, my thoughts still a jumbled mess. With nothing figured out, I turn back toward the clubhouse—parking my sled in my spot, ignoring the looks from my brothers.
“Are you really gonna let a brother move in on your girl?” Riggs says, meeting me just outside the room we use for Church as I dump my phone in the basket by the door and enter without replying, taking a seat. The thought of Ink and Sera together is something I have deliberately ignored while still having to deal with Mariah.
From what I can tell, she’s gone back to the house with Finn, so that’s one less thing to worry about.
Ink will probably bring Sera here to the clubhouse since she doesn’t have a house to go back home to. I know it makes me an asshole, but I don’t think I could handle having to see them together around the clubhouse. Which is ridiculous because I’ve done way more with Mariah in the few months she’s been here. Though not of my choosing.
But nobody needs to know that. Yet.
Disgust washes over me, and I vow to get to the bottom of what’s going on. But for now, I push those dark thoughts out of my head as Ink walks in, followed by my dad. I can’t help throwing Ink a murderous glance, and get a clip across the ears by Kick, my President and father.
“Ow,” I whine, earning me chuckles all-round the table from my brothers. Sitting next to my father, Tiny, the VP of the club, smirks in my direction. Since returning from Seattle alone, the vacant look in his eyes has just grown. I know he must be missing his woman and kids something fierce.
And here I thoughtmylove life was a total fucking shit show.
“Okay, so what’s so important, we had to have church today?” I ask when everyone has finally settled down.
My pops fixes me with a stare, and it lasts so long, I fidget nervously in my chair.
“I had a very interesting conversation with Kon,” he starts, and I arch an eyebrow, willing him to continue when he doesn’t.
“And?” I push.
“And he imparted some information to me I hadn’t been aware of.” When he doesn’t elaborate further, I want to demand he tell me now, but I restrain myself.
“Which is?” I prod. Seriously, talking to my dad is like pulling teeth sometimes.
“Seems he had a visit from someone by the name of Angelo Bianchi. And a very interesting conversation ensued. Apparently, this Bianchi character has taken over the family business from his stepfather, who has recently died. He’s heard of our connection and has gone to Kon to demand we release his sister, Seraphina Bianchi, immediately. He’s giving us till the end of the week to return her. Otherwise, and I quote.” Making air quotes before he continues. “‘There will be consequences.’”My pops pins me with a dark stare. “Wanna tell me what that’s all about? Why this fuckwit thinks we would have this woman as our hostage?”