Page 6 of A King So Savage
“Oliver.” Kingston’s voice was a whip crack of warning.
Oliver threw up one hand in a supplicating gesture. “Just assuring our guest she is valuable.”
“She knows.” Kingston’s brow rose high. “Don’t you, Miss Blue? And you know I will use you to erase your brother’s debt.”
“How much does he owe you?” Ava bit out. Her older brother had essentially abandoned her not long after their parents’ deaths during her sophomore year of college. In the years since, she’d studied hard, worked menial part-time jobs, and scrimped on essentials to conserve the meager allowance from her portion of the inheritance.
Carson, on the other hand, lived the high life in their once grand family home. He partied with lower-level criminals and whores, indulged in illicit drugs, and gambled away the possessions their parents left behind. When they died in the car accident, he was granted full access to all the accounts. Ava knew, if he could have managed it, he would have spent her money as well. It was a small blessing that her mom and dad restricted her own access to the inheritance. She couldn’t gain full access until she reached the age of twenty-five.
That particular estate provision was in place to keep the two of them from spending every dime. It was supposed to protect them until they were more mature in handling the large sum of money. It did little in dissuading Carson, however. While Ava was careful and frugal with her allowance, Carson was the opposite. He blew through the money as though it were pennies the moment he had full access to his portion.
Kingston appeared neither sympathetic nor sorry as he rose from his chair and made his way around the desk to where she stood. He was so much taller than Ava remembered and impossibly broad. His hands were big but elegant, the fingers capped with neatly trimmed nails.
Ava flinched when he lifted a lock of her hair and rubbed it between his fingers. “How much,” she whispered again, dreading the answer. This whole situation was so unfair. Why should she be held responsible for Carson’s greed and stupidity?
“Just a little more than two million. Two-point-six to be exact.”
Ava swayed. For a second, she thought she might faint. How had her brother managed to rack up such an astounding debt?
Kingston took her elbows, cupping them in the palm of his hands. “Steady, Ava Blue...” he murmured. “Don’t worry. You are worth every cent Carson owes me, and I do intend on collecting.”
The thought flashed through Ava’s mind that she could jerk away from his grasp. She could fight. And scream. “This must be some kind of dream,” she choked out. “It is, isn’t it? I’m going to wake up any moment. I’ll be in my bed. And you will have been just a bad dream.”
“This is certainly no dream, Miss Blue.” Kingston grinned wolfishly. “More like a nightmare. And for you, it’s just beginning.”
And the lion,
he roars from pain,
Thorns pricking every side.
It never eases
for a tortured king.
Kingston’s gazedid not waver from his new acquisition as he released her and returned to his seat.
Ava Bella Blue was exquisite, even in her disheveled, half-drugged state. As a teenager, she’d been lovely. Now, nearing the age of twenty-five and having grown into her body, she was fucking gorgeous.
She frowned, digesting his words. What she faced was truly the nightmare every woman dreaded. Of course, she had no real idea what lay ahead of her now that she was within his grasp, but the girl was smart. She must possess some inkling of her new future.
Her body, her sweet innocence, would be exchanged for her brother’s debt.
She was absolutely right in asserting her brother would not pay for her safe return. Kingston never considered the possibility Carson would resolve his debt. In fact, the man stubbornly refused to pay. This meant Kingston now entertained alternative measures as a way of recouping his losses.
After receiving intel that Carson also had plans of selling his own sister off to the highest bidder, Kingston sprang into action. He’d simply snatched her up before Carson could. And, fuck.All the ways Ava Blue could pay off her brother’s debt kept flashing through his mind.
“What will you do with me?” Ava asked weakly.
He should probably let her sit down, but Kingston experienced a perverse need to see just how strong she was.
“What do you think I will do?”
She sneered at him then, an action so bold and unexpected, Kingston nearly laughed aloud with delight.
“Something perverted and disgusting, no doubt,” she snapped.