Page 7 of A King So Savage
“Uh-oh, King. She’s got your number,” Oliver snickered.
Kingston curled his hands into fists despite his amusement. Sometimes, resisting the urge to beat his half-brother into a bloody pulp proved difficult.
Leaning back in his chair, Kingston leveled his gaze on Ava. “Whatever you are imagining is tame compared to reality.”
“Will you make me work off my brother’s debt? Have me scrub floors? Polish furniture?” Ava’s moss-green eyes narrowed. “Wash your clothes?”
Kingston’s head tilted. “It would take a hundred years to work off the debt in that manner. No, there are other ways. The fact you are a virgin is highly advantageous.”
Ava sucked in a breath of outrage. “My sex life is none…” she faltered in a search for words then finished stubbornly, “I’m not a virgin.”
“We can easily find out the truth.” Oliver laughed. “I volunteer for the task.”
There was no mistaking the fear sparking in Ava’s eyes. She shuffled sideways in an effort to place a greater distance between herself and Oliver. She was scared to death of his brother, and Kingston couldn’t blame her.
“I do not tolerate liars, Miss Blue. My investigation into this matter was very thorough.” Kingston rested his chin upon steepled fingers. “I know everything about you. I know Carson was a sadistic brother who bullied and tormented you from the time you were children until you broke off contact with him after your parents’ deaths. I know you love romance books. The ones where the hero rescues the girl and declares his undying love after killing off the villain. Those are your favorites. Your favorite color is green and you adore dogs.”
Ava bit her lip, her eyes darkening at the mention of Carson and his cruelty.
Kingston continued, his eyes never wavering from Ava’s face as she stared at him in horrified fascination.
“I know how much money you spend every month for your economy cup of coffee at the corner gas station. I know you distanced yourself from your childhood friends after your parents’ deaths. You concentrated on obtaining a Master’s in English Lit, which left no time for sororities or frat parties. And I know the most wicked thing a man has ever done with you occurred on your eighteenth birthday. Your brother held you down while three of his friends mauled you. They paid one hundred dollars each for the privilege of sucking on your pretty nipples. A travesty, if you ask me. You are worth so much more.”
“H-how do you know about that?” Wild panic swept Ava’s features as her secrets were laid bare. She seemed to shrink into herself with the reminder of that dark, stormy night and her brother’s brutal betrayal.
“Because Carson offered me the same opportunity. I refused. You see, I couldn’t trust that it wasn’t a trap. Maybe even an ill-advised attempt to set up a case for bribery.” Kingston shrugged.
He recognized Ava’s desperation. She would attempt an escape. An impossible feat, considering she was inside The Den. No one left these grounds without his express permission.
Ava’s fists clenched. Angry, helpless tears tracked down her cheeks in silent rivers. Her gaze darted about the room, seeking an exit that wasn’t there.
Kingston’s eyes narrowed on her. “Do not make me restrain you again, Miss Blue.”
The quiet warning hung in the air. Trembles racked Ava’s body. She fought to remain still, despite her obvious terror.
“Do you plan on selling me to lowlifes like yourselves?” she finally sneered in a voice hardly more than a whisper. “You think you’re such big men, but you’re not. You’re nothing but animals. All of you. Disgusting, greedy pigs. No different from Carson and his band of cretins.”
The soft disgust in her tone sparked a nerve within Kingston. He expected the hate and revulsion, but he didn’t like hearing it spoken aloud.
“You will keep a civil tongue, Miss Blue.”
“Fuck you,” she shot back before adding derisively, “Sir.”
“Naughty girl.” A smirk twisted Kingston’s lips.
“Carson might be a guy I might wanna hang out with. Friends with benefits and a little sister to pass around.” Oliver laughed, but Kingston’s hard stare shut him up fairly quick.
“One more word, little brother,” Kingston said softly, “and I’ll cutyourtongue out, serve it up on a silver platter, then watch you eat it.”
Oliver dutifully nodded, although resentment flashed in his pale blue eyes. His half-brother hated him, but the old adage of keeping your enemies close served Kingston well. Having Oliver on a short leash meant tracking his moves was a hell of a lot easier.
Kingston’s attention returned to Ava. There was an unshakable air of courage around her. It clung like the faint aroma of her sweet perfume. Honeysuckle and roses mixed with foolishness and bravery. A heady concoction for a beast like himself.
“Here is what you may expect, Miss Blue. You will remain here at The Den as my guest while I remind your brother of his debt.” Kingston saw her tears, but they did not sway him. He really did not care if she was frightened. Having her terrified only worked in his favor. She could be easily controlled through that fear. “If he once again ignores my demands to repay the debt, then you shall be sacrificed.”
“Sacrificed how?” Ava recklessly demanded.
“Do you really want to know?” Kingston’s head tilted at Ava’s hesitant nod, and his glittering eyes raked her form. “There are so many options. I can either auction you off or keep you for myself. I’ve not yet decided. Or, perhaps I’ll share you with those who deserve a reward for their loyalty.” His voice lowered. “A lamb thrown to the mercy of beasts.”