Page 17 of Coerced Queen
“Saverio is fiercely independent,” I muse.“I could help him, but I doubt he’d want that.”
She pours the beer into two glasses.“You won’t be able to carry his weight.What if he slips and falls?Unless we ask Dante to move in for a while?”
“Saverio will definitely not accept help from Dante or anyone for that matter.”I write bathroom renovations next to point two on my list.“Bathroom work is unavoidable.We need rails on the walls and in the shower.”
“Maybe you can change the guest toilet and shower downstairs and move to the first floor for a while.That way, you don’t have to install an elevator.”
“Won’t work.”I bite my nail as I reflect on the logistics.“I want him to have access to the whole house.Being trapped in a limited part of it won’t make him feel at home.”
She pushes a glass my way.“In that case, that’s point three.”
I put wheelchair elevator on the list.Damn, we only have a month to get the house ready.
Tapping the pencil on the notepad, I say, “He’ll need space for physiotherapy.”
Livy looks around.“We can move some furniture out of the lounge.”
Too open.Saverio is too proud to have an audience.”I chew on my pencil as I think.“I can rearrange the sofas and coffee table to make space in his study.”
She takes a sip of her drink and pulls a face.When she puts down the glass, she has a white mustache on her upper lip.“We need an appointment with a dietitian.With only one kidney, he needs an adapted diet.”
I write that down before pointing the pencil at her glass.“What’s with the Guinness?”
“Drink it,” she says.“It stimulates the production of breastmilk.”
I eye the dark brew with the thick foamy layer on top.“My supply is fine, thank you.”
“Breast pump,” she says, snapping her fingers.“Claire is going to need all the immunity she can get from your milk.”
A lump gets stuck in my throat.“Saverio already got one.”
She leans over and pats my hand.“Let’s concentrate on that list.”
She’s right.Focusing on what needs to be done will prevent me from breaking down.
“Security,” I say.“Can you shoot?”
“Harvey never wanted me to handle a gun.”
“Well…” I write shooting range in capital letters next to point five.“You’re starting tomorrow.”
After staying next to Sav’s bed and getting my dose of kangaroo care with Claire, I summon Saverio’s driver, Kevin, and spend the rest of the morning visiting the families of the deceased and injured men.When I return from the club where I did a quick inventory and spoke to an insurance company broker, Tersia is having tea with Livy in the lounge.
Livy stands when I enter.Thank goodness she’s wearing a yellow maxi dress with a purple orchid print and a magnolia flower hair clip half the size of her head.I was worried the incident at our wedding had ruined her spirit forever.
Giving me a bright smile, Livy says, “I’ll let the two of you catch up.I have a load of washing in the machine that needs to be put into the dryer.”
My smile is grateful.She moves around me, giving my shoulder a squeeze on her way to the door.
When she closes it softly behind her, I turn my attention to Tersia.She sits on the edge of her seat, clutching a cup between her hands and wearing a strained expression.She looks as stylish as ever in a white silk blouse and black maternity pants.Her round belly draws my gaze.I swallow when I think how close they came to death and that I put them in that situation.
“Are you all right?”I ask, taking a seat opposite her.
She bites her lip and nods.
“Tersia, I don’t know where to begin apologizing.”
A pained look comes over her features.“I don’t even know where to start in forgiving you.”