Page 18 of Coerced Queen
“I’m sorry,” I say, hanging my head.
“Yes, you should be.”When I lift my face, she’s watching me with a stern look.“If you’d told me what risks were involved, I would’ve been able to make an informed decision.”
“That wasn’t supposed to happen.Not at a wedding.”Clutching my hands in my lap, I say, “Itneverhappens at weddings.”
“Only at yours.”
I wince.
“I guess that says a lot about how badly those people want your husband dead.And you.Or were you just collateral damage?It tells me exactly how dangerous Sav truly is.”
“I wanted to protect you.”
“Richard knew.”She puts down her cup.“He just didn’t realize the extent of it.”
“How is he?”I ask carefully.
“He doesn’t know I’m here.If he did, he’d probably have a heart attack.”
“Then why did you come?”
“I like you.I didn’t want to throw away our friendship without giving you a chance to explain.”
“I didn’t choose this, Tersia.”
“But you chose Sav, and with that choice came consequences.As my friend, it was your responsibility to inform me of those consequences.For God’s sake, Anya, did it ever cross your mind that in not saying anything you took awaymychoices?”
“I’m sorry.”There’s nothing else I can say.“I’m sorry I put you in danger.”
She sighs.“Believe it or not, I understand.It’s going to take Richard a while to come around though.Despite what happened, you’re my friend.I was worried sick about you and Sav.”She moves her gaze to my stomach.“How’s Claire?Livy told me.It’s a pretty name.”
“Thanks.”I clear my throat.“The pediatrician is happy with her progress.”
“I admire Sav for what he did.I’m sorry for what happened to him, but I’m glad he saved you.”
“Where do you want to go from here?”
“I want honesty.”
“I can’t always give you that.You understand why.”
She looks away.
Silence stretches while she considers my answer.
After a beat, she gets to her feet.“That’s not going to work for me.I can’t put my family’s lives in danger, and if you can’t be open with me, I won’t have the facts to assess the risks.”
I follow suit.“I understand.”
Her smile is apologetic.“I didn’t take your call because I didn’t want to do this over the phone.”
I drill the toe of my sneaker into the carpet.“’Kay.”
She walks around the table and pauses next to me.“I hope everything will work out for you, and I really hope Sav will be fine.”
“Thanks,” I say, following her progress to the door with my gaze.
It feels like that day when Zack, the security guard at the firm, told me he didn’t want to be associated with me.Yes, Saverio didn’t give me a choice before.But I always knew the day would come that I’d have to choose.And from now on forward, I always choose my husband.