Page 59 of Coerced Queen
After scanning over the contents, he utters a curse.“Why didn’t you tell me?”
“I already sent you the encrypted video.Elena will be gone by next week.”Eager to see Claire, I walk with long strides to the elevator.“We’re not risking any attacks until she’s gone.”
“Yes, boss,” he says with a note of respect and admiration in his tone.
I’m barely back in the office, feeding Claire, when disgruntled male voices reach me.It sounds like an argument.
When Claire falls asleep on my breast, I gently ease her down in her stroller and adjust my clothes before following the noise to the gallery.
Saverio’s men are gathered around Dante, their faces drawn and their expressions dark.
“Sorry, Dante,” one of them says.“But that just ain’t gonna cut it.You’ve been slinging reassurances around for weeks, but none of us has seen Mr.De Luca since the day they loaded him into an ambulance on a stretcher.We’re done taking your word for it.We need proof.We want to see him for ourselves.If he’s got promises to make, he can come here and make them to our faces.”
His passive-aggressive attitude makes my hackles rise.
I walk up to the group, my voice hard when I ask, “What’s going on here?”
Dante looks at me and blows air through his nose.
The men go still.All eyes lock on me.
I stand taller.“I asked what was going on here.”
“We’re sick of taking orders from Dante,” someone says.“We want Mr.De Luca to tell us what his plans are.We want him to look us in the eye and tell us the business isn’t in trouble.”
I fix the man with a look.Carlo Cassidy.His nickname is Big Ted.I know them all.I know everything about each of them down to what they drink when they hang out at the bar.“Saverio is busy planning our revenge.Are you really so scared that you want him to leave everything he’s doing and run over here to put you at ease?”
Big Ted refuses to back down, holding my gaze with a challenge in his.“We want to see him, that’s all.”
“Why?”I walk into the midst of their circle.“Because you don’t trust Dante?Who’s going to tell Saverio that?”
Another man steps forward.Ashes Amato.“Look, it’s not that we don’t trust Dante, but people are saying shit.”
My stare is frosty.“Like what?”
He has the decency to appear guilty.“That we’re going under.That you won’t be able to pay us next month.”
I look at Dante.“Who said that?”
Dante’s jaw bunches.
“No offense, Mrs.De Luca,” Big Ted says.“But if you work here and you see how slow the business is, it ain’t hard to figure it out.”
“Everyone is getting paid.You can take my word for it.Yes, the business is slow right now, but in a couple of weeks, we’re bringing in big money.That message comes directly from Saverio.I’m his wife, and that’s what I’m telling you.If anyone wants to question that, say so now.”
“Big money from where?”Ashes asks.
I face him.“That information doesn’t concern you.Saverio is working on it.He told me to convey the message.If any man here doesn’t believe me, come take it up with me in the office.”I look around the gathering.“Anyone?”
Dante glares at me, a muscle ticking under his eye.The men are quiet as I knew they’d be.None of them will dare to call me a liar to my face.No one is going to test my theory.Telling me I’m bullshitting them isn’t an insult Saverio will let slide.They may not have seen him since the attack, but they’re not going to risk the wrath of a man they both respect and fear, not unless they’re certain he’s lost his power.
“Good,” I say when the silence stretches.“Now, get back to work.”As they start to scatter, I add, “If anyone has doubts in the future, bring it to me instead of moping like children.”
They walk to the stairs, mumbling among themselves with their heads low.Only Dante remains in place, his expression deadlier than I’ve seen.He follows my progress with dark, brooding eyes while his chest heaves with the breaths he takes.
Before I can make it to the office, he catches up with me.Grabbing my wrist, he yanks me into the lounge and slams the door shut.
My voice is icy.Measured.“Get your hands off of me.”