Page 60 of Coerced Queen
He lets me go at once, taking a step back, but the anger shifting in his gaze doesn’t evaporate.
Instead, it intensifies when he says, “Saverio didnottell you to say that to the men.”
“Someone had to.”
I don’t have time for this.Making a frustrated sound, I say, “To pacify them.”
“What do you think is going to happen when they find out you lied?”
“Who said I did?”
“I told you to speak to Sav.He’s got to know how deep in the shit we are.”
“What do you think will happen if he knows that?Do you think it’s going to change anything?Do you think it will help him?No, Dante.It will make everything worse.What Saverio needs to focus on is healing.”
“How long can you do this on your own?”he bites out.“How long are you going to try to save Sav and the club and everyone else all by yourself?”
“I’m not doing this by myself,” I say, my agitation rising.
“Yeah?”He looks around.“Then show me who’s helping you.”
“You and Livy.”I lift my chin.“The men.”
He looks at me for a long, hard second.“What about Saverio?The men are right.Shit happens.He’s scarred.So what?He’s the one who should be here, not you.For God’s sake, woman, you’re coming to work with a newborn baby.”
I’m in his face, pointing a finger at him.“Don’t you dare say that.What do you think will happen if the men hear you talk like this?They’ll lose faith, and if they lose faith, Saverio is as good as dead.You and I are all he’s got, Dante.Where the fuck is your loyalty?”
The volume of his voice rises steadily.“There’s nothing wrong with my loyalty.But I have eyes in my head.”
I back up again, reeling at his animosity.“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Sav lost interest in everything but revenge.He’s lost interest in this club, in his men, in the business, and in you.”
The cruel words make me stagger.
“Nothing matters to him anymore, Anya.He’s fucking lost interest in living.”
Fury surges inside me, eradicating any logical thoughts.My words are cold, shaky.“I’m going to pretend you didn’t say that.”
“That’s why he’s on a path of self-destruction,” Dante continues, set on tormenting me.“That’s why he’s determined to see this suicide mission through.”
Losing it completely, I yell at him.“Don’t talk like that.”
“Why are you doing this?You don’t have to put yourself on the line.”He adds in a softer tone, “You don’t have to go down with Sav.”
“And you?”I ask, gritting my teeth.“Are you planning on going down?Is that why you’ve given up already?”
“I’m not giving up, but I’m not the one going around telling the men Saverio is fine when nothing can be further from the truth.I’m not the one taking huge fucking loans we can never pay back, and all you’re going to get for your trouble is a few broken bones and a bullet in your head.So tell me again why the fuck you’re doing this.”
“Because I love him.”The admission tumbles from my lips with a powerful surge of air that deflates my chest.“Because I love him more than life, and I can’t bear the thought of living without him.”
The outburst having taken everything from me, I crumble.
Dante reaches for me, pity and concern churning in his brown eyes, but I hold up a hand, needing space.Needing distance.Needing to breathe.
“Anya,” he says in protest.