Page 115 of Deuce
“Nah, that’s Mia’s daddy tonight. You better go tell him to chill out before yo’ mama fucks him up.”
She rolled her eyes. “My mama is grown. She knows who she’s dating.”
“Maddie’s fine ass can do a whole lot better,” I said.
She frowned. “Ewe.”
“What? You know your mama fine. Don’t even act like that.”
“It’s weird hearing y’all comment on her looks. All of y’all call each other’s mothers Mama or Ma, but my mama is just Ms. Maddie.”
“We love your mama,” I assured her. “We just grew up in each other’s houses, so it came naturally.”
Mia shrugged. “I guess. I’m gonna go see if she wants to dance before we end up fatherless.” She excused herself from the table.
Jaeda stood to follow. “Since I’m dateless, I guess I’ll see if Daddy wants to dance, too.”
She too left, leaving my brothers and I alone. While they talked amongst themselves, I scanned the room. All of a sudden, I had this feeling, I couldn’t shake. Something was off. I knew myself well enough to trust my gut.
I saw Shar rushing through the crowd toward us, but Salima was nowhere in sight. Her absence had me on my feet and moving toward Shar with my brothers on my heels. They didn’t ask any questions, they just moved.
The closer we got, I realized Shar had something in her hands. It was Salima’s clutch.
“What happened!” I snapped.
She was frantic and crying. It took her a second to catch her breath before she could speak.
“The… the line to the bathroom was long so we went upstairs to one of the other floors. I was using the bathroom, and she was fixing her edges cause she sweated them out. When the door opened, I didn’t think anything of it. Then I heard a struggle before her bag hit the ground. By the time I got out of the stall, she was gone!”
She started crying hysterically.
“I looked for her and I couldn’t find her!”
I grabbed her by her shoulders. “Take me where you were.”
She nodded frantically before leading us in the direction she’d just come from. Not only was my blood boiling, but my fucking chest hurt. If something happened to Salima, I was gonna burn this fucking city to the ground.
“Why is this line so long?”I complained, trying to count the number of people in front of us.
I’d consumed quite a number of drinks and all that dancing I did had my bladder about to explode.
“Do you see how many people are in this building? It’s probably packed in there. Your man’s people know how to throw an event.”
“Your man, too.”
She rolled her eyes. “Maceo isn’t my man.”
“Oh, my God. How long are we going to play this game of denial? That man invited you here… here! To a charity event with his family who he introduced you to. He paid for yourdress, shoes, and hair. Not to mention the way he looked at you when he saw you at my place. That man likes you and you like him. Why can’t y’all just be together?”
She sighed. “I do like him. I’ve told you that. I just… I don’t know how to tell him I want more of a commitment.”
I giggled. “Tell him the same thing his brother told me. You’re gonna be with me. I’m gonna be with you. Or we’re gonna be with each other.”
She laughed. “No, that man did not tell you that!”
“Yes, he did. I guess I’m stuck with him.”