Page 116 of Deuce
“Well, it’s not like you want to be anywhere else.”
“This is true.” I looked back at the unwavering line. “Come on. There has to be an available bathroom somewhere. I look too good to piss on myself.”
I grabbed Shar’s hand and led her down the hall to the elevator. The building we were in was six stories high. We headed for the third floor and found it vacant. Quickly, we located a bathroom so I could relieve myself.
“My bladder was about to explode!” I declared as I washed my hands. I caught a glimpse of my reflection in the mirror and cringed. “Look at my edges. Good thing I brought my wax stick and brush.”
While Shar disappeared into a stall, I pulled the miniature items from my clutch and got to work. I was so focused that I didn’t look up when I heard the door open. I didn’t think anything of it. It was probably just other women looking to relieve their bladder.
It wasn’t until a tall, dark figure appeared in my peripheral did I realize it wasn’t a woman at all. I dropped the brush and wax stick. Just as I went to yell for Shar, a gloved hand covered my mouth and nose with a rag.
The smell filled my nostrils, instantly making me dizzy. I tried my hardest to fight them off, but I could feel my body weakening as I swung my arms.
“Salima…” Shar called. “You good girl?”
I couldn’t answer her. My eyelids were so heavy and my arms felt like they weighed a tone each. I tried to grab ahold of something to brace myself, only to knock my clutch to the floor.
Shar’s voice was the last thing I heard before it all faded to black.
My eyes slowly opened as I finally came to. My blurry vision slowly began to clear up, and I looked around. I tried to move, but quickly realized that I was bound to a bed. Frantically, I pulled at the handcuffs, but all that did was hurt my wrists. They were so tight that they were cutting into my skin.
“Help! Somebody help me, please!”
I looked around the unfamiliar room. It was cold and damp, and it smelled horrible. The only light from the room came from an old oil lamp. The old windows were covered with newspaper. The bed I was handcuffed to was rusted, and the mattress had seen better days. The room looked like an office that someone doubled as sleeping quarters. Old take out bags and soda cans were all over the place.
The sound of the door opening caused my heart to race. Slowly it crept open, in walked a tall, shadowy figure. As they came into the light, I saw that it was Mirron Hayes. He smirked as he closed the door and pulled up a chair and took a seat in front of me.
“We meet again, Ms. Navarro.”
“What the fuck do you think you’re doing!”
“Gaining leverage.”
“You really think you’ll get away with taking me and there be no consequences? You clearly didn’t think this through.”
“I have, actually. I wouldn’t come here alone or empty handed. I gave Deuce way too many chances to see things my way. What kind of fucking criminal had a conscience? His family is out here throwing charity events, and feeding the homeless and shit while being a bunch of murders and drug dealers. That’s fucking crazy.”
He looked at me and shook his head.
“Your daddy must be rolling over in his grave.”
“Don’t you talk about my father!”
“I knew Iman very well. The saddest thing he ever did was let a piece of pussy take him out of the game. I mean I get it. Your mama was fine as hell back in the day. Shit, she’s still fine now. Your daddy was a fool to let a bitch fuck up his money.”
“Bitch? Didn’t you get pushed out? From what I heard, Mr. Blake made you sit down. How did you allow another grown man to bitch you out like that, Mirron?”
His anger roared as he yelled, “Nobody bitched me!”
“I watched my man bitch you out in a parking lot. I watched him bitch your son out, too. I guess the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. There’s no way a muthafucka that bleeds just like me would ever put their hands on me and I just stood there taking it.”
It probably wasn’t wise to poke the bear, but I refused to show him fear.
Mirron chuckled. “You have a mouth on you. I’m sure those pretty ass lips are good for more than talking shit. I think I’ll keep you for a few days. See if we can’t give you a change in attitude. We’ll see if your boyfriend really loves you or if you’re just another piece of pussy to him.”