Page 52 of Red Fire
“Do you still have feelings for her?”
Why did I ask that? What’s wrong with me?
I find myself leaning forward, wanting to know, burning to know. Even though it isn’t important right now. It has nothing to do with anything that actually matters. Not out here. I shake my head. “I’m sorry, Creed. I shouldn’t have asked you that,” I quickly add. “I’m sure you’re still hurt. It’s clear that you’re still carrying guilt. You need to start to try to let that go. You’ll never be happy otherwise.”
“I am not helping you for redemption. I’m doing it simply because it is the right thing to do. Or perhaps to prove to myself that I can keep my humanity, even in a difficult situation. But I will think on all you have said. Right now, I need to get some sleep.” He lets my hand go and slowly lowers himself onto his back. “Wake me up before midday…or if someone approaches.”
I nod, feeling disappointed. He still has feelings for her. I can see it. I know it. Creed is going to fight to the death for me tomorrow, and I’m feeling jealous of his ex. I can’t seem to help it. I can’t stop it. It’s just there. Creed isn’t even mine. We had sex once. It was a mistake, and yet…here I am, feeling jealous of a woman I have never met. I’m also angry at her for what she did to Creed. I should be focused on my current predicament and on getting home. Nothing else. I’d better find a way to get over these silly emotions, and fast. Our life could depend on it.
There are four pairs of males fighting all at once on the grass below us. They’re all in their dragon forms. Octavia and I are far enough away from all the craziness not to be in danger but close enough to watch the activities, as is tradition. Octavia hasn’t said much since the culling games began just over two hours ago.
My eyes are firmly on Tank, or at least on him in his dragon form. The sun glints off his black and red scales. He’s the biggest dragon on the fighting field by far. I’m watching him toy with a much smaller, bright green dragon. He’s running circles around the male, making him suffer, making him bleed. Tank is a brute. One I’m not looking forward to going up against. The more I watch the bouts of fighting, the more certain I am that my adversary in the final round will be Tank. There are one or two males who will give him a run for his money, but I don’t think they have it in them to win.
If he has any weaknesses, I can’t see them, as hard as I try. Even though we all have weaknesses, where he is concerned,they don’t seem to be there. Perhaps when he faces someone closer to him in size and experience. Maybe I will glean something then. I hope so. So far, all I have been able to deduce is that he is fast and seriously fucking strong. He also shows no mercy. I’d go so far as to say he takes pleasure in watching his opponents suffer and die.
The big, black dragon in question lets out a roar before charging at the green dragon with unfathomable speed, especially for one so large. He sinks his razor-sharp teeth into the other dragon’s shoulder, then shoves him away, even though he could have ended it there. The male falls to his knees, howling in pain. It takes a few strained attempts to get back to his feet. The beast limps away, dripping blood from gashes all over his body. It’s clear that the male is done.
Tank’s massive wings spread wide, revealing the intricate patterns etched in his scales. His tail flicks almost lazily from side to side as smoke wafts from his maw. His eyes are bright blue and filled with what could be mistaken for determination. All I see is bloodlust.
The black dragon fixes his gaze on me, narrowing his slitted eyes as they bore into mine. A rumble echoes from his chest. It’s a warning – or a promise – of what is to come. Maybe both. I keep my gaze firmly on his, narrowing my eyes in response. My lip curls away in a silent snarl.
Bring it!
Then Tank turns and charges forward, his great body trembling with power. I shout out to the green dragon, who has not officially tapped out, but I am too late. Tank, still in his massive dragon form, leaps on top of the smaller dragon, snapping his neck with one hard bite and shake. The creature falls down, dead before he even hits the ground. The dragon shimmers and shifts one last time into his human form.
Such a waste of life.
I jump to my feet, every muscle in my body bunched. I’m poised and ready, but can’t do anything about it. Not now.
Octavia whimpers softly. When I glance her way, her back is ramrod straight. Her eyes are staring ahead. She is doing a good job of keeping it together. Watching the culling games must be hard for her. They’re aggressive and barbaric. And although only the final three rounds are to the death, it isn’t uncommon for males to take it all the way, even in earlier rounds. Killing an opponent is only against the rules if he taps out. Dragons don’t tap out. Not ever. Therefore, deaths happen all too often. So far, Tank has killed the two males he has faced. He played with them and then killed them when he got bored. They were both smaller than him. They were younger, too, with little combat experience.
Sitting ducks.
Lambs to the freaking slaughter.
Tank shifts and holds his arms up high, his fists pumping. He growls loudly, sure to look straight at me, his meaning clear. He lets his gaze drift over the group of spectators. At all the males who will have to fight next. He’s doing it to intimidate them. He’s trying to intimidate me. It’s a good tactic. Several of the males shift and fly away, deciding that Octavia isn’t worth dying for. More will leave before the day is up.
I will stay. I will fight.
“That male has no honor,” Pyro says as he approaches us.
Octavia stands and moves closer to me, keeping a wary eye on the big male.
“You have nothing to fear, human,” he says. “May I come closer?”
I nod.
“I am Pyro,” he tells Octavia, who gives a small nod. “I know that you do not wish to mate or to breed. I just wanted to let you know that we are not all depraved.” His gaze drifts to Tank, who is being congratulated by some of his friends. “Some of usrespect your wishes. We will still fight for a chance of winning so that we can attempt to change your mind. We will not force your hand should we be successful. We would never force a female. We still have honor. We have not allowed our beasts to take over. You would be safe with any of us.”
“Thank you. That is good to know,” Octavia says.
“If you decide that you still wish to return home, we will honor your wishes.” He looks over at a smaller group of males. “For now, we will help your champion in keeping you safe. My friends and I will take turns watching over you tonight. We will ensure a fair culling games.”
“Thank you so much. You shouldn’t risk your lives, though.” She shakes her head. “I’m not going to change my mind. I mean, you seem like a nice guy and all, but I’m going home as soon as I am able. That’s all I’m interested in. There is no way in hell any of you will be able to change my mind. You should go and talk to your friends. You should leave. Don’t put your lives on the line for nothing…because itwillbe for nothing.”