Page 101 of Red Captive
“You only get three tries, and then the alarm sounds. No one would have guessed it in three attempts.”
“I did.”
“You did, yes, but there is no one else out there who would guess such a thing. No way.” His expression seems to soften for a moment before his frown is back in full force.
“Yeah, I suppose. I only guessed right because you did the same thing with the password to your computer. You used Anya’s birthday, just swapped around.” I shrug.
His eyes darken, and his whole demeanor changes. It turns prickly, to say the least. “What are you doing here? You’re in a ton of fucking trouble. You shouldn’t have come. I’m going to have to call in my guards and have you arrested. You know that, right?”
“I’m sorry I barged in like this. I mean you no harm. Please hear me out. Let me explain. That’s all I ask.”
He folds his arms. “Why should I? Give me one good reason.”
“I didn’t do what they are saying I did.”
He narrows his eyes. “Try harder. Bring me evidence.”
“Why would I abduct the human? What would I have to gain?”
“Because you’re fucking her and want to keep her for yourself,” he deadpans.
“It’s not like that at all.”
“Which part? The part about fucking her or the part about wanting to keep her?”
“I’m not fucking her,” I growl under my breath.
He narrows his eyes. “Bullshit! I’ve had feedback from my males. I’ve seen footage of the two of you. You’re fucking her. I know you better than you know yourself.”
He does know me, through and through.
“I’m not fucking the human.” I sigh. “Okay, I am…well, sort of. No, no, I’m not, because it’s more than just fucking.”
He groans and runs a hand through his hair. Then he chuckles. “You’re not helping your case here.”
“I have feelings for her. I’m in love with her. I wouldn’t abduct her. I wouldn’t hurt a hair on her head.”
“Tell me, would you kill to protect her?”
I know where he’s going here. “Yes, but I didn’t kill that guard. I didn’t hurt Rex. I didn’t do any of the things they’re saying I did.”
“So, you’re saying that Rex is lying?” He gives me the side-eye.
“Yes, but you will have to take my word for it. I don’t have proof.” I shake my head. “Jen was drugged. She doesn’t remember much of anything from that night, she was drugged but I swear to god, I didn’t do what they are saying. I didn’t kill or hurt anyone. I injured one male and didn’t so much as touch Rex.”
“Why would he lie? Did he injure himself? I have to tell you, I’m not convinced.”
I make a noise of frustration, looking down at my feet. After all that happened, I can’t blame him, but I have to convince him. “You don’t have to trust me. You’re accusing me of abducting Jennifer Harris in order to keep her for myself. If that’s true, then why am I here?”
“I wish you would enlighten me.”
“I’m here to plead for Jen’s safe return to the Mainland. If I abducted her to keep her, I wouldn’t be pleading for her safe return home.”
“Why didn’t you bring her in? Why did you run in the first place?”
“Because I don’t trust Ice. Nor do I trust his lieutenant. Not one fucking bit. That means I can’t trust a single guard, since they all report to them. Case in point, Rex is lying through his ass. Jen needs to stay where she is, right up until she leaves. My people will bring her in. Please believe me when I tell you that you can’t trust anyone, Arctic. You need to watch your back and, for the love of god, change the password on that keypad. Make it something random.” I point at his door.
“It’s Your Royal fucking Highness to you…notArctic. Funny you say I can’t trust Ice because he has said the same about you. It’s his and that guard’s word against yours. Ice doesn’t have very many nice things to say about your human, either. He told me that she plans on outing shifters on the Mainland. She plans on going to the tabloids for money.”