Page 102 of Red Captive
I groan. “Not this again. He’s talking bullshit. Jen is amazing. She’s the sweetest, kindest person I know.”
“You used to say the same about Lake, and look how that turned out.” He narrows his eyes, his jaw tightening.
“I’m not the same person I was a few years ago. I’mnotnaïve. I’m not so blinded by love and lust that I can’t think straight. It took a while for me to start to trust Jen. When I think back, the writing was on the wall with Lake. I can’t believe I didn’t see it.”
“Loveisblind. You could be blinded now.”
“I’m not!”
“So, you trust her, then?” he asks. “Be very sure before you answer.”
“You trust her with your life? With the life of everyone on this island?”
“Yes,” I say without hesitation.
“Okay, then.” He pushes a buzzer on his side table, and the room floods with guards within a few seconds. “Arrest him and take him to solitary confinement.”
“No!” I shout as I’m being carted away. “Please.”
Arctic doesn’t respond.
“Watch your back!” I yell, realizing that it could be taken the wrong way. As a threat instead of a warning. It’s too late to explain because I am being marched out of the apartment and down the hallway.
So much for years of friendship. For everything we’ve been through together. I can’t blame Arctic. I fully deserve what I’m getting, but Jen doesn’t. At least she is safe with Roscoe. That’s my only consolation.
I’m pacing. I can’t help it. I’ve chewed all of my nails right down to the quick.
Natalia is curled up on the sofa; she’s fast asleep. I can’t blame her. We watched several movies. At least, I tried to watch, but how do I concentrate on anything when Steel is out there somewhere? When he is putting himself in danger for me?
Natalia is right; if anything happens to him, it’ll be on me. I wish I could do something. Anything. Better yet, I wish I could have gone with him. We have a better chance of convincing them if they hear what I have to say.
I keep pacing. I check the clock and it’s five in the morning. Where is he? He’s been gone for ages. He should have been back by now, for sure. Something has happened.
I turn my eyes to Natalia’s sleeping form. I take a step toward her. I’m going to wake her up. I need to find out what the hell is going on.
Before I can take a second step, there is a knock at the door.
I cry out in relief and spin back to the door. “Come in!” I practically shout.
Natalia stirs on the sofa. She sits up. “What is it?” she says in a groggy voice.
Roscoe walks in. It’s five in the morning, but he’s fully dressed in one of his signature suits. “Morning.” He’s frowning.
I swallow down the lump that has formed in my throat. “What is it? Where is he? Why isn’t he here? He should be back by now. What the hell is going on?” I force myself to stop talking. My chest is heaving. It feels like I can’t catch my breath.
“You should sit.”
“No! Just tell me already!” I yell at him. “Tell me.” I step from one foot to the other, unable to keep still.
“Steel tried to speak with the king, but the bastard obviously didn’t like what he had to say because he had him arrested. Steel is sitting in a holding cell as we speak.”
“They can’t do that,” I say; my voice sounds foreign. It’s too high-pitched.