Page 10 of A Shard of Ice
“If you try to take my camel and supplies…” Tom looks stricken. He holds up his fists. “I’ll fight you. You can’t have them.”
Taylor’s mouth twitches with the start of a laugh, but he quickly catches himself. Tom is almost half Taylor’s size. I’m looking at…the fae who used to be my friend with new eyes. I knew he was big, but has he always been this muscular? This imposing? There’s no way Tom will win against him.
Years in the salt mines generally wear a man to skin and bone; I’ve seen it with my own eyes. But not Taylor. I think he might be bigger and stronger than when I first met him.
“I’m not fighting you, Tom.” He shakes his head, looking a little sad, but I must be mistaken.
Tom’s eyebrows furrow, and his lips thin into a tight line. “I’mnotletting you take our camel or—”
Taylor sighs, sounding defeated, which makes me feel things, but only because he was my best friend until not so long ago. “I’m not taking anything from you. What I am suggesting is that we work together.”
“We’re not pairing up with a filthy fae bastard!” Lona yells.
I fold my arms tightly across my chest and press my lips together.
What are we going to do?
“You’ll have more chance of getting out of this alive with me at your side,” Taylor says, his eyes going from me to the others and back. He looks desperate. That and frustrated, running a hand through his hair in agitation. “There are desert wurms out here and lizard birds up there.” He points at the sky. “If we make it to the outskirts of the Bohab Desert, there’ll be packs of hywolves, too. We’ll be stronger in greater numbers. I—”
“We’ll take our chances,” Tom says. “We’ll keep both camels and—”
“No, that’s not fair,” I interject, immediately regretting it when Tom turns hard eyes on me.
“Are you a fae lover, Kyrie?” Lona says, speaking for both herself and Tom. “This isn’t Taylor. You know that, right? He’s an abomination.”
“One of them,” Tom adds, the tone of his voice leaving no doubt as to how he feels.
“So, you keep pointing out. It’s unnecessary; I have eyes, thank you. We can’t take both camels and leave him with nothing. It wouldn’t be right.”
“Of course we can,” Tom says in a growl. “He should go back. You belong with your own kind,” he spits at Taylor.
“I don’t belong here. I’m not staying,” Taylor says. “There are two choices: we journey together, at least until we leave the desert—”
“Not happening,” Tom says, his eyes blazing.
“Orthe two of you leave. You can take your camel. Kyrie and I will—”
“Don’t I have a say?” I grind out.
“No. You’re not making it without me, Ky. It’s as simple as that. I’m your best bet. You can hate me all you want. We don’t have to say so much as a word to one another. Use me to get to safety and then kill me, turn me in…I don’t care. Just – for the love of Kakara – let me protect you until then…please,” he pleads. His eyes are filled with desperation.
“Both options don’t work for us,” Tom pushes out. “We’ll be just fine without you, fae. We’ll manage. We don’t need you. Take his camel, Kyrie. Do it now. We’re leaving.”
I can’t just let Tom and Lona leave.
“Taylor is right,” I tell them. “We need him.”
Out of the corner of my eye, I see Taylor’s shoulders slump with relief.
Lona’s face contorts with disgust. “You’re a fae lover now, are you? That isn’t your friend!” she yells, pointing at Taylor. “Don’t fall for his sugary words. They’re just that…words.”
Only, Taylor is right. They’re not just words. In fact, they’re not sugary at all.
“My feelings have nothing to do with it, and they’re not just words. He’s right; we’re sitting ducks out here, especially when the sun goes down.”
“What is one unarmed fae going to do against a wurm?” Tom asks.
“Nothing, is what,” Lona answers.