Page 11 of A Shard of Ice
“We’re leaving. Come with us, or don’t.” Tom shrugs. He uses a nearby rock to clumsily mount the camel.
“This is a good place to spend the night,” Taylor says.
Tom frowns. “We still have a few hours of light. The sun is still high enough.” He shakes his head. “The further we canget away from the salt mine, the better. You want us to be recaptured, don’t you?”
Taylor shakes his head. “That’s not it at all. It’s best to be sheltered for the night. To be on rock instead of sand. The wurms will be hunting soon enough.”
“We’ll find more rock. There are plenty of these formations throughout the desert. You’re trying to scare us.”
“Yes, I am,” Taylor admits. “And you should be.”
“Don’t listen to him,” Lona says as she uses the same rock and Tom’s outstretched hand to mount up. It takes a few tries until she finally settles in the saddle behind Tom.
“Come with us,” Tom begs me.
“We should stick together. I’m not a fae lover. I’m the complete opposite, but—”
“But nothing.” Tom glares at Taylor. “He’s a lying, filthy fae. Don’t let him convince you otherwise. Watch your back, Kyrie.”
“I will. Be careful…please,” I shout as Tom kicks his camel into a slow trotting pace. The beast bellows, as does ours.
Taylor grabs his reins before he can follow.
“Easy, girl.” Taylor rubs her neck – apparently, it’s a female.
“Thank you for trusting me.” He smiles, and for a brief second, he looks like the man I knew. My chest aches, so I press on my sternum, willing my emotions away. This isn’t Taylor.
“Let’s get a couple of things straight. I don’t trust you. I’m only here because I want to survive the desert crossing, and I’m sure that you’re my best bet. We won’t be talking. I’m not interested in anything you have to say. As soon as I am relatively safe, I plan on putting a dagger into your lying heart.”
I spin on my heel, but not before I see a small smile light his face. I hate how my lips want to smile back.
Kakara, help me, but I have to harden my heart against him. Iwillhate him. There is no other option.
Someone shakes me awake. I’m alert in under a second, but it takes me a few more for my eyes to adjust to the dark.
Kyrie is sitting over me. She shakes me again.
“Taylor,” she whispers, her eyes wide. She looks around her, seeming to listen for something.
I do the same and get nothing, but I know something must be out there. Something has her spooked.
I sit up, putting my finger to my lips. Then I get to my feet. Kyrie follows suit.
We’re up on the rocks; our camel is, too. All around is silent, even though I continue to strain my ears, hoping to catch something…anything. There is nothing. Not even a peep.
Then, a low rumble echoes through the night. Kyrie’s eyes widen in fear as she grabs my arm, her fingers digging into my skin. The camel shifts nervously, sensing the impending danger.
“Easy,” I tell her, stepping in front of the beast so that she won’t attempt to flee.
A pair of glowing yellow eyes appear up ahead; they pierce through the darkness like twin flames. A guttural growl reverberates through the air.
“What is it?” Kyrie whispers, her voice shrill.
I relax. “It’s an emry-lion or dune-prowler, as the emptyfae like to call them.” I wave my hands. “Be gone,” I tell the beast. “Go!” I raise my voice but not so loudly as to attract other unsavories. “It isn’t large enough to hurt us. It’s probably just curious or hoping we left some scraps lying around for it to scavenge.”