Page 84 of A Shard of Ice
“I think you should hide in plain sight. That’s how they hid me all these years, and it worked pretty well.”
“Okay.” She sounds skeptical, and I can’t say I blame her. “What do you have in mind?”
“I have allies in the Ice Court.”
“The Ice Court?” Her voice is raised. She looks at the door to the bedroom and gives a small shake of her head. Her eyes are hazy with emotion. “You can’t be serious. Snow is at the IceCourt. There are fae at the Ice Court, and you want me to live there?”
“There are also humans at the Ice Court. Many humans. I know plenty of them. There are several I would die for. Several who I know would die for me in return.”
“Things have changed, Damon. It isn’t like it was back when you lived there. I mean, I’m not talking specifically about the Ice Court; I’m talking about everywhere. Your allies might not even be there anymore. If they are, they might not be your allies.”
“We’re talking about someone I’ve known my whole life. I’m sure that Elsie is still there.”
“Who is Elsie?”
“She’s the daughter of my nursemaid. Elsie is around my age, maybe a sun-cycle or two younger. She was training to take over from Merna when everything happened. When my brother died, and Snow turned evil.”
“Merna was your nursemaid?”
I nod. “She all but raised me and was like a mother to me. I loved her, and she loved me just as fiercely.”
“And Elsie?”
“We grew up together. We played together, and later on, we studied together. Merna only had one child, and she grew up alongside Kyran and me. Elsiewillhelp you; I know she will. All anyone needs to know is that you are her long-lost cousin. We’ll come up with a plausible story. I know ways into the castle. I will sneak you in—”
“That’s too dangerous, Damon. You could be caught. What then?”
“It’ll be fine, I swear. I’ll sneak you in and talk with Elsie.”
“What if Elsie is no longer there?”
“She will be, but if not, there are various other options. One of them will work; I know it. You can get a job working in the castle. Perhaps in the kitchens or as a housemaid. You will getfood and lodging as well as a meager wage. You will be well looked after and very safe.”
“How long do I stay? I’ll be in the same castle as Snow. I don’t know how wise that is.” She shakes her head, looking panicked.
“Snow doesn’t know you. As a lowly castle worker, you won’t have any dealings with her. None of the icefae know you, either. No one will know who you are, Kyrie; it’s perfect. The more I think about it, the more I feel it will work. I know a route that is only one day’s ride from the Ice Court. That means less chance of capture.”
“I trust you, Damon. If you think it’s the best thing for me, then I’ll do it.” She wipes her eyes, looking strong.
“There’s just one thing, and it’s important.”
She nods. “What is it?”
“As soon as you get word that the lost kings have been found, I want you to flee the Ice Court. I will show you the way. I want you to come back here to Grigor. He will keep you safe. He looks wily. You can’t be there when war hits. I’m certain that the battle won’t take place at the Ice Court, but I can’t be sure.” Curse the gods, but I wish there was another way. None of this sounds safe. The only problem is that I can’t think of anything better. It doesn’t matter where I send Kyrie, she will be in danger. At least this way, her risk will be minimal. I’m sure of it.
“Okay. Fine, I can do that. I want you to go and do what you need to do. Save the realm, save the people, and then come back to me. I will wait—”
I put my finger over her lips. “No, don’t say it.”
Her eyes start to fill with tears again. She blinks, not allowing them to fall this time.
“I want to be a selfish bastard and ask that of you, but I can’t. I won’t! I might be gone many sun-cycles. I can’t say how long. I might die, Ky.”
“No, don’t say that.” Tears well and fall.
“I won’t lie to you. It’s why we can’t be together. It’s why I don’t want you to wait. Carry on with your life.” My voice hitches, and my throat clogs. My eyes sting. “I’ll treasure our time together. I will hold you in my heart.”
“As will I.” She wipes her eyes.