Page 85 of A Shard of Ice
I roll onto my side and pull her into my arms. I hate that I am the one hurting her. I hate it so much. Through the tears, I cover her mouth with mine. I kiss her, holding her close. Then I roll her onto her back. Her legs come up and around me. I sink into her heat.
We still have tonight. We still have this moment.
Using slow, easy strokes, I thrust into her. Kyrie’s sobs turn into breathy whimpers and moans. I do my best to show her how I feel about her. To take away some of the pain I caused.
I hold on to her for all I am worth, losing myself in her for the last time with the knowledge that it will never be enough.
We hold on to the reins of our horses, who stand calmly waiting. They’re small but strong, with thick coats to keep them warm in the harsh climate of the mountains.
“Ranger and Missy are both as surefooted as they come,” Grigor says. Missy is the bigger of the two and is Damon’s horse. Ranger isn’t as heavyset but will do me just fine.
I give him a pat.
“Those two are just as good.” He gestures to Thesha and Xander, who also have horses packed and ready.
“I can’t thank you enough for everything,” Damon tells him.
Our saddlebags are filled with food. Our clothes are clean. Not just that, but Grigor insisted that I take some of his late wife’s clothing, too.
“Are you sure you don’t want a bottle of blackberry wine? It’ll go a long way to warming you up on your travels.”
Xander chuckles. “Very sure, thank you.”
I throw my arms around Grigor. “Thank you for everything.”
“You are most welcome, young lady. I wish you all the best of luck.”
“Let me pay you, Grigor.” Xander tries to take his pouch from his belt, but the older man shakes his head.
“No payment. It was wonderful having guests in the house. You are welcome back anytime.”
“It’s too much. You gave us swords and daggers, as well.” Xander touches the sword in a scabbard at his hip. Between what we had when we arrived and the items Grigor has kindly donated, we are all well-armed.
“And we’re taking four of your horses,” Thesha tells him, holding the reins of a sorrel gelding with the thickest mane and tail I have ever seen on a horse.
“I don’t need the swords. What will I do with them? I’m too old. And as for the horses, I have plenty. I don’t need them all. Look after them as best you can and, if need be, let them loose, and they will – gods willing – find their way back home.”
“And you know what to say if the fae come to question you?” Damon asks.
Grigor nods with much enthusiasm. “I need to tell them that you set off in that direction.” He points in the opposite direction any of us will be taking. “Don’t worry, I know how to act doddery.” He hunches his shoulder and gets this hazy look in his eyes. “Let me think…” He puts his fingers to his temples. With his shoulders hunched and the expression on his face, he seems to age a good couple of years. “I can’t quite recall.” He pretends to be trying to conjure a memory. Then he smiles broadly, standing tall. “It normally works very well. They’ll think I’m half senile. That I’m completely daft and don’t know what I’m talking about.” He snickers.
“Don’t take any unnecessary risks,” Damon says, touching the side of his arm. “If you need to tell them everything, do it. Don’t die trying to protect us.”
“Absolutely,” Thesha says.
“It won’t come to that,” Grigor says.
“Thank you so much.” Thesha hugs him.
“I haven’t had this much attention from lovely lasses in many a year. I could get used to it.” He gives a great big belly laugh.
We all laugh too, a lump swelling in my throat. I hate goodbyes. I can’t help but think that I have a big one coming up.
First, Xander and then Damon shake hands with the kind older man. He clasps Damon’s hand for a little longer. “All of the very best. I believe in you, lad.” He gives him a wink. “I was so very glad to see you. It was an unexpected miracle. We’ve waited a long time for this. A long time, indeed. Do us proud, son.”