Page 21 of Flawless
“But you knocked the guy’s camera from his hand, and it looked as if you were about to knock him out had it not been for that old lady. Who is she, anyway?”
“She’s my next-door neighbor, and honestly, I probably would have.”
“Papai said that they would be coming back. He warned Mamãe that with the onset of your anniversary, that would be a great news piece for them again,” Aurea says.
My father owns a newspaper back home, and he always had a nose for good news. He could detect a story out several miles away. Luckily, I’m his son, so when I assaulted a player from the opposing team causing me to be evicted from the game and our country to lose the FIFA World Cup Championship, he didn’t cover it.
“I know. They’ve been parked outside of my door, and now two more crews are setting up right across the street from my yard. I guess they must have gotten the warning.”
“Well, you be careful. Why don’t you come home for a while? At least until this blows over,” Aurea suggests.
“I think I’ll pass on that offer, but thanks, though.”
“It’s been a while, Z,” Aurea says.
“I know, and I’ll return for a visit. Just not now.”
“All right. Well, call Mamãe before she worries more.”
“Okay,” I say, hanging up the phone.
As I dial my parents’ home, I get a text message from my younger sister, Uxia, who is working in Colombia.
UXIA:I saw the stories on IG. OMG! Are you good?
ME:Everything’s good. Don’t believe everything you see.
UXIA:You mean like my badass brother kicking ass? LOL!
ME:Yeah, even that.
UXIA:Well, I personally liked what my eyes saw. Hope that you sent them a message, and they don’t return.
Glancing out of the window, I think about how unlikely that is.
“Hello?” my mother answers.
“Hi, Mamãe,” I greet.
“Zenon! Oh, I was so worried about you. Are you okay? Did they press charges? Did anyone get hurt?”
UXIA:You still there?
ME:Yep. On the phone with Mamãe.
UXIA:Good luck with that.
“Zenon! Did you hear me?”
“Yes, Mamãe. No, they haven’t pressed charges, and nothing was hurt except for his pride.”
And his camera, I think, but don’t say.
“Is it safe where you are?”
“No one’s going to mess with me. I’m just fine.”
“Your Papai and I were thinking maybe you should come home for a while,” she says.