Page 22 of Flawless
“No, that’s your Mamãe saying that. I said let the man be a man,” my father says in the background, making me laugh.
ME:I need that good luck already.
UXIA:LOL! I told you. If you need help, let me know, and I’ll come over there and kick ass for my big bro.
ME:You stay beautiful. I’ve got this under control.
UXIA:Actually, you do need my help. Beat ‘em down granny was kicking ass.
“I just think it’s safer if he returns home,” my mother argues in the background with my daddy.
ME:Where did you get that name from?
UXIA:That’s what everyone is calling her.
ME:Either way, I’ve got this handled. I’ll talk to you later. I need to handle Mamãe right now.
I resume listening to my mother list off all the reasons that I should come home.
“Mamãe, I’m going to end this call right now. I love you and Papai, but I need to get some rest.”
“Okay. Please be safe.”
“I will.”
As I end the call, my text message chimes again, and I see that it’s my middle sister, Graciana.
GRACI:I know it’s late there, so I won’t keep you. Are you okay?
ME:I’m good.
GRACI:Good. Talk to you soon.
As I head to my bedroom, I think about my family. They’re loving but pushy, thanks to having a family full of women.
One thing they all suggested, I can’t help but agree with, though. As I peer out the window in my bedroom, I see that the news vans are still there, and another one has joined them.
They’re not going anywhere until this all blows over. I do need to get away. I just don’t want to go home.
I set my phone on my nightstand and slide the charger in it. When it doesn’t register, I pull the cord free and open my nightstand drawer.
I have two more unopened chargers inside of the drawer. As I pull one of them free, I see a little envelope at the rear of the drawer.
Pulling it out, I look at the cute, faded script on the front.
The key to my heart,
Opening the envelope, I shake the little bronze key out into the palm of my hand.
Smiling, I recall a beautiful summer spent on a little island in America. Palming the key, I toss it up a few times and catch it as a smile and a plan blossom.
Sullivan Island, South Carolina would make the perfect escape.
I know that no one will find me there.