Page 50 of Break my Heart
If this keeps up, I’ll lose another five pounds. Mom commented on my weight loss the other day and asked if everything was all right. The concern in her dark eyes was obvious, and it brought me right back to the past.
To the secrets I’d kept from them.
The loneliness that had eaten away at me.
The sense of being trapped.
For a second or two, I considered coming clean but decided against it.
This situation is different than the one before.
It’s nothing more than texting.
If I refuse to engage, he’ll eventually get bored and go away.
That’s the hope I’m currently clinging to.
“Hey, babe.”
I blink back to the present and find Colby McNichols locking lips with Britt. There’s a besotted expression on her face that matches his when they break apart.
“Jeez,” Bridger grumbles. “Always with the PDA.”
Colby grins, throwing an arm around his wife. “You jealous, bro? Want a hug? I’ve got enough love to go around.”
“Nah, I’m good.” Bridger chuckles while shaking his head as the group dissolves into laughter.
Colby gives me a chin lift in greeting when our gazes collide, and I scoot over so he can settle next to Britt.
“Thanks, Philips. Appreciate it.”
“No problem.”
Most of the guys from the team are friendly toward me but nothing more. It makes me wonder if Dad fired off warning shots at the beginning of the season.
“Is it all right if we crash your dinner?” Ryder asks before squeezing in next to Juliette. I have to admit they’re perfect for one another.
A few more of their teammates stop by with trays loaded with food.
Our group continues to swell as Ford, Wolf, Madden, Riggs, and Steele crowd around the table, pulling chairs up, and the babble of voices escalates. I can’t help but look at each face. Over the past semester, they’ve all become my friends.
I try to relax and enjoy the moment, but then I feel it again. A prickling sensation that makes me wonder if I’m being watched. As soon as I glance up, our gazes collide.
My breath catches. After a few days of absence, I’m hungry for the sight of him. Even though he’s standing with a few teammates, his attention is focused on me. I can’t read his expression, and part of me doesn’t want to. It’s been days since we talked, and not hearing from him after everything I confessed hurts.
I can’t do this.
Not with everything else going on in my life.
Decision made, I push back from the table. “I need to get going.”
Britt frowns. “What? I thought we were going to hang out after this.”
Heat floods my cheeks as people turn and stare. “Sorry, I’ve got some stuff to take care of. I’ll text you later, and we can figure out another time to get together. Promise.”