Page 138 of The Ranger
“Major...” Harrison said. “As much as I hate to say this, I think she’s right. Put the gun down.”
Major glanced at the little group gathered around him, then lowered the gun. He sighed. Not in defeat, but resignation. “What happens now?”
“Allow them to continue to bond.” Makama said. “Let them spend time together. He won’t be able to stay away from her at this point. Not for any long stretch of time.”
“And what about Maida?” Sadie asked.
“She won’t be able to be apart from him either. In fact, if he could stay here, it would be the best thing for both of them.”
Harrison sighed. He looked tired, and Markhel took pity on him. “I will sleep in the barn.”
Harrison glanced at Major and back. “She will get better with you near?”
“She will Call to me once, perhaps twice more, and the bond will be complete. But that is a guess.”
Major stared at his daughter with concern and no small amount of regret. “She saw you.”
Major shook his head, turned, and went into the kitchen.
Markhel’s shoulders slumped in relief. For a moment, he thought the man would shoot him.
Maida stirred in his arms. He didn’t want to let her go, but knew she needed to rest. “I will take her to her room.” He lifted Maida into his arms and headed for the staircase. Honoria hurried after him. “This was different. She didn’t sing.”
“No. Sometimes it happens that way.” He stopped at the top of the stairs and waited for her.
She passed him and hurried into Maida’s room. “Here, put her on the bed.”
He did, then stepped away. Overcome by the strength of the Call and the comfort of his arms, Maida was sound asleep. The thought made him smile.
Honoria took a quilt from the end of the bed and put it over her. “Will the rest of the Calls hurt her?”
He took a deep breath. “Yes.”
She looked at him. “Are you going to leave her, after all this is done?”
“Never.” He looked her in the eyes. “That I promise. We mate for life.”
Her jaw tightened, and he felt her heart break a little. “Good. Just make sure we get to see her.”
“I will do my best.” He bowed, took the chair from a small desk and sat. “I will sit with her for a time. She might not remember what just happened. It is common.”
Honoria turned to the door. “I’ll call you when dinner is ready.” She headed for the hall.
“Honoria Comfort.”
She stopped but didn’t turn around. “Yes?”
“I will cherish her.”
She squared her shoulders. “See that you do.”
He watched her leave then took in the sight of his Maiden. She was beautiful in sleep and his inner heart continued to bond with her. He got it to open to her more, something he didn’t think was possible a few days ago.
He left the chair and knelt by the bed, his heart wanting to get closer to hers.
He closed his eyes and let his heart search. The sooner it was at full power the better, then he would have to feed it. What worried him was the fact he’d had to feed his inner heart even as it slumbered. That was bad enough. But what would his heart be like when it had fully woken?