Page 139 of The Ranger
Yet Maida’s presence did something to him. His heart wasn’t as hungry and hadn’t fed since he and Kwaku fought in the canyon…
He cocked his head as he let his heart take over. Had Maida fed him somehow? He didn’t know, but it made sense. At the swimming hole they were playing, but he also tried to teach her some strategy. He wanted to show her how to fight. She would be a thing of beauty with a sword in her hand.
Markhel relaxed into his heart’s search for Maida’s. He had no idea how much Muiraran blood she possessed, nor did he know when she would sing her final Call. He only knew that his heart wanted to Call to her and did.
Markhel’s head fell back as he opened his mouth and began to sing.
* * *
“It’s all verynatural for a Muiraran to...” Makama stopped and looked up, then smiled at Vale. “Do you hear that?”
Vale also looked up, and slowly stood. “Is... he singing?”
Everyone’s eyes shot to the ceiling as a beautiful baritone voice drifted down from upstairs.
“I think he’s Calling,” Makama said.
Harrison cringed. “What does that mean?”
“I’m not sure,” she said. “Usually it’s the female that Calls. But...” She shrugged at Vale. “Can they Call to each other?”
Sadie left the stove where she’d been checking whatever was in the oven. “Will it hurt them?”
“I have no idea,” Makama said. “But Vale and I can check.” She headed for the hall. Everyone followed.
She hurried upstairs. Markhel’s voice was getting louder. He sang in Muiraran, and it sounded like a lullaby. She stopped at the top of the stairs. A blue glow was coming from Maida’s room.
She motioned for Vale to be quiet, then crept to Maida’s door.
Makama gasped. “Oh, Vale,” was but a whisper as she took in the sight of Markhel kneeling bedside Maida’s bed, his arms outstretched to either side of him, head thrown back in song.
The others joined her and gathered behind her.
She glanced at all of them and smiled. They were as awestruck as she was. Who wouldn’t be? The entire room was bathed in a soft blue light. Markhel knelt in all his Muiraran glory by the bed, singing tenderly to a sleeping Maida.
She sensed another presence and turned to see Kwaku standing at the top of the stairs. She smiled at him as he approached, Zara right behind him. Everyone moved aside to let them pass, and the two entered Maida’s room. Judging from the surprised looks on their faces, they hadn’t seen this before either.
“Kwaku,” she said, voice low. “What’s happening?”
A smiled curved his lips. “He is Calling to her.”
A hand went to Zara’s mouth and Makama wondered if it was to stifle a sob.
“So, that’s a good thing?” Vale whispered as he entered the room.
“Dey Call to each oder,” Kwaku said. “I... have never seen dis.”
Zara wrapped an arm around one of Kwaku’s. “He is joining...”
“What?” Makama gaped. “How can this be?”
“No, Pretty One,” Kwaku said. “He is giving something of himself.” He looked at Zara and smiled. “Markhel had more dan twos heart, as did his brodar. I think he is creating anodar and giving it to her.”
“Kawahnee, that is not possible.” She held out a hand to the kneeling Markhel. “But he is giving her something.”
“Balance,” Makama whispered. “Doc Drake said something about balance.” She smiled at Kwaku and Zara.
Zara’s eyes went wide. “It makes sense. He is so used to having three hearts, but now has only the two. I think you are right. He is giving her more than a heart to share between them.”