Page 141 of The Ranger
“Being Muiraran means I am not from this world.” He drew closer and for a moment, his eyes darted to her lips.
She stared at him long and hard and wondered how long it would be before she could breathe again. What did he say? Land sakes was he going to kiss her?! “I... don’t understand.”
He closed his eyes, and she swore the room filled with a powerful presence. Was he doing that? She oddly relaxed, and her eye lids drooped.
He studied her, then cocked his head. “This is strange.”
She had to blink a few times to keep her eyes open. “You have no idea.”
He released her, stood, made a fist and hit his other palm with it. He popped his neck, bared his teeth, then sat down with a puzzled look on his face. “I am... changed.”
He looked at her a moment, still puzzled, then left the room.
“Wait!” She shook her head to clear it, then started after him. When she reached the bottom of the stairs, the front door was open. He must have gone outside. She did too and found him in the barnyard speaking with Grandpa’s friend Kwaku. The sun was setting, casting everything in golden light. The air seemed fresher, and she swore the colors around her were brighter than normal. She lifted her skirts and hurried to join them. “Markhel...”
He held up a hand to stop her. “Stay back.” He gave his attention to Kwaku. “Go ahead, Time Master.”
Kwaku eyed Maida. “Hmmm, are you sure, cub?”
“Yes, I must know if something is wrong with me.”
“But the Maiden...”
He looked at her. “She needs to learn everything about me if we are to be joined.”
“What does that mean?” Maida asked. “What are you talking about?”
Markhel gave her a sympathetic look. “This will not be what you think. Stand back.” He shooed her off.
She retreated about twenty feet and stopped. “What are you two doing?”
Kwaku shook his head. “Cub, you are young and foolish, but I admit, I am curious.” As soon as the words were out of his mouth, he lunged at Markhel knocking him flat.
Maida gasped in shock. He’d hit him so hard, Markhel skidded across the barnyard sending up a cloud of dust. Both men rolled away from each other and jumped to their feet.
Kwaku began to circle Markhel. “So? Are you hungry? Do you need to feed?”
Markhel moved his neck around, popping it. “I do not know. Do it again.”
Kwaku shrugged, reached Markhel in two strides, then spun his body and delivered a kick to his jaw so fast, Maida wasn’t sure she saw it.
Markhel didn’t move an inch. “Most curious. I have no desire to fight you. I am... content.”
Kwaku circled him again. “Hmmm, datiscurious. Defend yourself.” He attacked him and they fought.
Maida ran to the safety of the front porch and watched with something between horror and awe. She’d never seen two men fight before, and though part of her wanted to yell at them to stop, she sensed they weren’t really hurting each other.
They parted and walked in a circle. Markhel rolled his shoulders, flexed his hands and arms, then rolled his head a few times. “I do not understand, Time Master. My heart is already full.”
The two big men looked at her.
“What did I do? I don’t even know what’s going on.” She glanced around. “Where is everyone?”
“We sent dem off,” Kwaku said. “So Markhel could speak to you, little jewel.”
She slowly came down the porch steps. “What are you doing? Why are you fighting each other?”