Page 142 of The Ranger
Markhel rolled his shoulders again. “To see if there is something wrong with me. But I do not think there is.” He turned to Kwaku. “You were right, I did give something to her.”
“And took someting in return it would seem.” Kwaku laughed and slapped Markhel on the back. “She has gentled you, cub. And you are not even joined!”
Markhel’s eyes went wide. “But I am a Ranger.”
“Yes, and still are. Do not worry, your heart will be as strong as ever when you need it. If my guess is right, you will need to feed your heart as always. But can accept what Maida has to offer as well. Dis is good!” He threw his arms out wide and laughed, the sound echoing around the barnyard.
Maida wasn’t sure what to make of all this. Her brain was still fuzzy, and whatever happened earlier, still a blank. All she remembered was Pa and Grandpa Harrison telling Markhel they’d changed their minds and that he couldn’t court her anymore. It wasn’t fair, and she was mad as a rattle over it. Then the Wallers and Dunnigans showed up and… merciful heavens! Had she and Markhel been sparking in the hall? Darn if she could remember!
“Come here, little jewel,” Kwaku called.
She approached, eyes flicking between the two men. “What’s happening?”
Kwaku smiled, took one of her hands, and put it into Markhel’s. “You will be his. But first, your heart must Call again, and he must answer. In de meantime, you will spend time wid dis man.” He bent to get eye level with her. “He is your protection, my jewel. Do not stray far from him.” He straightened and looked at Markhel. “I must go to de palace. What has happened here is rare. Your parents will want to know. Dey might be able to explain more.”
Markhel gave him a nod then put his other hand over Maida’s.
She gaped at both. “Palace?”
Kwaku winked at her, then grinned at Markhel. “Tell her, cub. tell her everyting.”
* * *
Maida stoodnext to Markhel in the now empty barnyard. Crickets were beginning to chirp, and her stomach growled loud enough to make them stop. She blushed with embarrassment.
Markhel smiled. “You need to eat.” Her hand still in his, he led her into the house and straight to the kitchen. “Sit, I will bring you food.”
She took in the empty room, and then him. His presence was everywhere, as if her family had never lived here. It was an odd sensation, and she didn’t know what to make of it.
She sat at the table and watched him take a plate out of the warming oven. Mama or Grandma must have set it aside. He served her, then sat on the other side of the table.
Maida studied him a moment before the smell of fried chicken and potatoes made her mouth water. She said a silent blessing and began to eat.
Markhel watched. “The barn is clean,” he stated.
She swallowed and ignored his statement. “What’s a ranger?”
He slowly smiled, as if pleased she asked. “They serve the Muiraran king.”
She was about to take another bite of chicken and stopped. “King?” Wasn’t Dalrovia ruled by a queen?
He nodded. “A ranger is the king’s personal scout. He performs dangerous tasks no one else can. They are known for their strength, stealth, and cunning.”
She swallowed hard, though there was no food in her mouth. “How dangerous?”
“Very. They are sometimes assigned to guard others. Rangers are also good at finding people and things.”
“You sound like a Pinkerton.” She stared at him a moment, her mind forming questions around the odd conversation he’d had with Kwaku. “Where is the palace?”
“In the city of Mishna.”
“Where is that?”
He took a deep breath. “In a place we call Muirara.”
“Which is everywhere.”
Markhel watched her, as if waiting.