Page 104 of The Alpha
“You do it all the time, Father,” Mykhal whined in protest.
“I am feeding my inner heart.”
“Well, maybe my heart will feed on the same thing when I’m old enough,” he said hopeful.
Jaireth released a long sigh. “Have some pity on the poor girl. Find her. Then make her hide from you.”
Mykhal’s eyes went wide. “Oh, we had not thought of that!”
Jaireth let Mykhal slide off his lap and rejoin his friends. “Behave,” he said ominously and narrowed his eyes to boot. “That is a command.”
The three boys bowed and scurried from the room. As soon as they were gone, Zerbe closed the door behind them. “You are a good father, Jaireth, King. But I must agree with your youngest. You do not spend enough time of late with your family.”
Jaireth leaned back in his chair, ran a hand through his hair and sighed. “You are right. But now it is crucial we protect our Alpha and our Beta. Once Melvale comes into his full power, Markhel will follow. Tell me, with your sons in such a position, would you have me grow slack in my duties as king?”
“I would have you find balance, my King.” He bowed low. When he straightened he looked to the door. “I will send Time Master Dallan after Melvale. I think we both know where Melvale had Kwaku take him.”
“To his mate’s home?”
“Where else? She seeks comfort, the familiar. Naturally she would want to return there. If only for a time.”
“Send Time Master Dallan and my daughter then. Have them make sure Melvale and Pari are kept safe. But I want them back here within forty-eight hours.”
“Pari and Melvale may protest and command the Time Masters to stay with them for however long they wish to stay,” Zerbe pointed out.
Jaireth’s eyes narrowed. “Melvale will not yet disobey a direct order from his king.”
“Then perhaps, Your Majesty, you should go with Dallan and Shona and give it to him yourself.” Zerbe smiled, bowed, and left Jaireth’s royal office.
He stood, came around the desk, and sighed. “Yes. Perhaps I shall. But first, he needed to speak to Kitty Morgan.
“Pari Mae!” Uncle Al burst into the living room. “Are you alright?” He went to the couch where she sat next to Melvale.No one stopped him as he took her by the hands before she had a chance to rise, and pulled her against his stout body. “We were so worried!”
Obviously this man has a key,” Melvale said non-plussed. Pari noticed he made no move to get up as Uncle Al crushed her against him.
She put her arms around her uncle. “I’m okay.”
He drew back and cupped her face in his hands, tears in his eyes. “Are you sure?” He looked at Kwaku who stood on the other side of the room. “You!” He let go of Pari, rushed to Kwaku and hugged him. “Thank you!”
Kwaku smiled. “You are welcome.” His eyes met Zara’s as Uncle Al let go of him.
Pari’s uncle turned to her and looked at the floor. “May I hug you in thanks?”
“Of course,” Zara said with a smile.
His eyes lit up as he hugged her too. Pari noticed Kwaku’s eyes narrow slightly, but he didn’t move to stop him.
“Pariwink!” Uncle Leo burst into the room and took her in his arms. “What happened? Where have you been?” His eyes became riveted on Melvale. “Who is that?” He drew back. “And what is he doing here?”
Pari drew in a shuddering breath. “Um, well, he’s…”
“What did you call me earlier?” Melvale asked and waggled his eyebrows at her. She noticed his eyes were steel gray now. Okay, this was the calmer, awkward side of him. “Boyfriend, was it?”
Her uncles exchanged the same look of surprise. “Boyfriend?!” they said at once.
“I c-c-can explain,” she stuttered.