Page 105 of The Alpha
“Dere is no need, little treasure,” Kwaku said. He eyed her uncles. “Dese two were abducted. We rescued dem. Dey have… bonded through their shared experience.” He smiled and gave them a nod, as if daring them to challenge his explanation. One, Pari had to admit, was a good one.
“Yes, what he said,” she blurted.
“Not boyfriend?” Melvale quipped. “How disappointing.” He rose from the sofa and stood beside her. “We still have much to discuss, Kitten.”
“Kitten?” her uncles echoed. She could just imagine what Uncle Leo was thinking.
“I can explain that too,” she said. “I hope.”
Kwaku laughed. “Do not try, little treasure.” He bent to her. “Let him call you what he will. All are terms of great affection.”
Melvale gave her uncles a triumphant look. “See? Boyfriend.”
Uncles Al and Leo looked up at him. “Humph,” Uncle Leo grunted. “Did anyone call the police?”
“Did they arrest the kidnappers?” Uncle Al asked next. “Tell us everything!”
Zara put an arm around each of them and steered them toward the front door. “We will explain everything. Know thatPari is safe, and that her…” she looked over her shoulder at Pari and Melvale. “… boyfriend will do everything he can to protect her.”
“What does that mean?” Uncle Leo asked. “He’s not moving in, is he?” He turned in her arm to face Pari. “He’ll have to pay rent!”
“Shut it, Leo,” Uncle Al barked. “Leave the young people be.” He looked up at Zara. “My, but you’re tall. Did you used to model?”
She smiled down at him and continued to steer them to the door where she led them outside and disappeared.
Kwaku smiled and rubbed his chin a few times. “I will return shortly.” He left and followed Zara out the door.
Pari sank into a chair. “Are they going to try to explain what happened to us to my uncles?”
“Yes, and in a way they can understand.” He put one large hand on her shoulder. “And you must understand, Kitten, that your uncles cannot know too much. It would endanger them.”
She nodded then leaned back in the chair. “Thank you for bringing me home. I was so worried about them. I’m thankful they know I’m okay.” She sat up straight again. “But what am I going to tell them when we…” she looked up at him. “Um, I mean, when you go back?”
Melvale knelt before her. “Pari.” He took her hands in his. “Kahtala Miah. I cannot leave you here. I cannot be apart from you.”
“But why? I don’t understand.” She gazed into the depths of his grey eyes and saw a hint of desperation in them. They reminded her of the blue eyes seeking hers when there was a cell wall between them.
Melvale looked away a moment and let out a breath. “How do I explain…” he gazed into her eyes again and tucked a fingerunder her chin. “Pari Mae Lindir. I would very much like to be your boyfriend.”
Her jaw dropped as her eyes rounded to saucers. “But why?” Was all she managed to get out. She sounded pathetic!
He cocked his head and smiled. “Because I like you, for one. Do I have to list a lot of reasons?”
“N-n-no,” she stuttered. “It’s just…” her eyes roamed over him. “You’re a little much, you know?”
“No, I do not. Explain this to me.” He cocked his head the other way.
Her heart began to pound in her chest. Oh great, she wasn’t going to have a panic attack, was she? “W-well, guys like you normally don’t go for girls like me.”
He drew closer. “Why? Is there something wrong with you?”
She drew in a shuddering breath. He was close enough for her to feel the delicate brush of his breath. He was also on both knees and rested his arms on the arms of the chair. She was good and trapped. “Um, well, let’s just s-say that you’re out of my league.”
He raised a hand and began to play with her hair. “I do not understand what that means, my little one.”
“Ohhhh, well, um…” Good grief, was she growing warm? Oh yes, she was! “Y-y-you see, you’re what women of my kind would consider… hot.”
His eyes roamed her face as he drew closer. “Hot?” Their noses were practically touching. “Explain to me what is hot.”