Page 111 of The Alpha
Melvale’s nostrils flared. “I will eliminate him.”
“Of course, Alpha,” Kwaku said. “But dere are tings we must discover first. Dey are traveling drough time. Yet, I do not believe dey do dis by using a Time Master.”
“Then how?” Melvale asked.
“Dat is de question. He looked at Pari. “She needs you.”
Melvale looked at her, and his hearts opened to her. “Pari…”
She looked up at him. “Hey.”
He smiled, her needs outweighing his hunt for the doctor. Pari was all that mattered to him. She was his life blood. How could he make her understand that without scaring her off? She was on the verge of running from all this now. If she did, he would break, his people would falter, and their enemies would conquer. He dare not lose this fight. He had to win her!
He tucked a finger under her chin. “I am sorry I left you.”
“You came here. It’s not so far.” She looked around. “But… they captured you here?”
He nodded. “Using your scent to trap me.”
Her face screwed up in confusion. “What?”
“They took some of your clothes and drew me here.”
Her eyes widened. “So that’s what happened. I noticed things were missing when I grabbed some clothes to change into after my shower.” She stepped a little closer. “Can we go now?” She hugged herself as she took in the dingy basement. “This place gives me the creeps.”
“Of course.” He put an arm around her and guided her up to the first floor. There he took her hand and led her from the building. “Let us get some food.”
She looked up at him. “Bondrah?”
He smiled. “Not Melvale?”
“No. Your eyes are blue. When they’re blue… you’re Bondrah, I guess.”
He studied her. “Bondrah is a special name only you are allowed to call me.”
She watched Kwaku and Zara come out of the building before giving her attention back to him. “Should I not call you that when others are around?”
“You may call me Bondrah whenever you wish, little Pari.” He bent to her ear. “I like it when you call me Bondrah.”
A shudder went through her and his hearts swelled. He also liked seeing her respond to him. He put an arm around her shoulders, pulled her close, and headed back the way they came. “Where must we go?”
She sucked in a breath. “Uh-um… wow, um… we’re going the right way.”
He smiled, knowing he was the cause of her stammering. She’d figure out what Bondrah meant soon enough.
Melvale walked with her at his side down the sidewalk. People parted for them, moved, or gave them a wide berth. He was allowing his Alpha side more freedom, and the natural power that rolled off him affected everything around him. He was beginning to practice reeling it in, or the humans passing by might falter or stumble. He didn’t want any of them to get hurt, and would have to figure out a way to practice.
Kwaku and Zara stayed behind them with watchful eyes. Part of him hoped the doctor would make a move to capture him again. The sooner he eliminated the man and his minions the better.
“The market is up a few more blocks then over one,” Pari said, cutting into his thoughts.
He let his arm fall and took her by the hand. “Good.” Melvale gave her hand a light squeeze. He knew his eyes were still blue, that his Alpha was very much present. And… happy.
Yes, happy to be with her, to be at her side doing a trivial thing such as going to a market. He would go anywhere for her, do anything. She just didn’t believe it yet.
They were quiet during the trek as they held hands and made their way to the market where she shopped. How was this little human female going to handle the immense power that, unbeknown to her, she already controlled? How was she going to accept it? Would the responsibility, once she realized what it was, be too much for her?
No doubt it would. And he would have to allay all her fears. He’d love them out of her. But first, she had to be able to accept that love. It was a monumental task that had been set before him by the Creator. Could he do it? Was he equipped for it? It was one thing to study mating habits and rituals of different races, another when he was the one that had to enact them. But enact them he would.