Page 112 of The Alpha
“Pari…” he whispered.
“Yes?” she whispered back.
“Will you go out with me?”
He gave her a side-long glance, saw her blush, smelled her elation, and the moment she batted it down. “I… I’m not sure.”
“What makes you hesitate, my little Pari?” He gazed at her as they walked. “My Kahtala Miah?”
She sucked in a breath. “B-because I’m still not sure if you’re real.” Pari stopped and looked at him. “For all I know, I’m dreaming.”
Melvale saw Kwaku and Zara stop a few feet away, content to wait. He ignored them as he bent to her. “I am as real as can be,Kitten.” He came forward and gently kissed her on the forehead, then bent to her ear. “Go out with me.” As he recalled, this was what twenty-first century dating entailed. Now she had to say yes. He held his breath and didn’t move a muscle.
She swallowed hard. “Um… okay.”
Melvale cracked a wide smile and straightened. He took a step back and bowed. “Thank you. I will endeavor to make our date memorable.”
She blushed head to toe. “Cool.” She gave him a tiny shrug then kept walking.
Kwaku chuckled low in his throat. “Very good, Alpha Melvale. You may yet win her.”
He looked at Kwaku and smiled. “We will.”
“No, pup.Youwill,” Kwaku corrected.
He arched an eyebrow at him. “Did you just call me pup?”
“I did.” Kwaku crossed his arms over his chest as Zara went to catch up to Pari.
Melvale pushed the Alpha side of him back. “Thank you, Kwaku. In truth, I need all my friends’ help with this.” He glanced at Pari and Zara as they continued up the street. “I am lost in this sea of courtship.”
Kwaku slapped a hand on his shoulder. “And we are here to guide you, my friend.”
Melvale put a hand on his opposite shoulder. “I’m so glad.” He wiped at one eye. “Oh, stab me, I’m getting emotional.” He let go of Kwaku’s shoulder and wiped at his eyes. When he was done, he looked at Kwaku. “I’m… afraid I’ll lose myself.”
“No, Melvale. You will still be you, but de side of you dat has been there all along has risen. Let dat side out. Let it merge wid de Melvale we all know and love.”
Melvale sniffed, and hugged him. “Thank you.”
Kwaku smacked him hard on the back. “You are most welcome.”
He stepped back, saw Pari and Zara waiting for them at the next street corner, and gave them a little wave. “We should join them.”
“Yes, but first, a word of advice, Alpha,” Kwaku said with a grin.
Melvale’s eyes widened at the knowing expression on Kwaku’s face. “Oh, no, what is it?”
Kwaku’s grin broadened. “When you take Pari on dis date of yours, kiss her.”
Melvale blanched. “Oh, I’m not so sure. I think one is supposed to wait for the third date.”
Kwaku laughed. “If you don’t kiss her en give her someting to tink about. Win her, pup. Play wid her. Let your Alpha guide you. Where you are awkward, he is not.”
Melvale thought about that for a moment. Kwaku was usually right about these things. “Very well, I will try to keep the balance as best I can.”
“Perhaps you should not?” Kwaku waggled his eyebrows at him then smiled at Pari and Zara. “Come, I am hungry and wish to make our meal.”
Melvale started walking. “Since when do you cook?”