Page 113 of The Alpha
“Since my mate insisted we learn for Pari’s sake. For a moment like dis.”
Melvale smiled, gave him a knowing look, and continued toward Pari. He was the one that usually saw to these things, but as he’d been more than a little tied up—in more ways than one—since returning from their last assignment, he’d not been able to perform his duties as Time Keeper. Which made him think. Who in the Creator’s name was going to replace him?
They reached the women, and Melvale re-took Pari’s hand. “I do believe I’m hungry.”
She smiled and nodded at the next street corner. “It’s not far.”
“Lead the way.” He gave her a silly smile and she giggled. Kwaku might have said to let his Alpha guide him, but there was still a lot to be said for being himself. She responded to that, and if he was going to keep some semblance of balance while he merged with his Alpha side, then being a “goofball” as Kitty called it, was in order.
Speaking of Kitty, what had she been doing all this time. “Kwaku? Where is Kitty?”
He felt Pari stiffen, and her scent changed. Not a lot, but it was there. Jealousy.
He tried not to smile, but couldn’t help it. Being able to sniff out others’ emotions was new, and he was still trying to get used to it. Jealousy had an odd tang to it, that he figured could probably turn rank if there was a lot of it.
“Who is Kitty?” Pari asked.
“A friend.” Melvale glanced at Kwaku. “Did someone take her home?”
“No, she is still in de palace. King Jaireth wanted her to remain dere until she was needed.”
“Needed?” Melvale caught the hint of suspicion in his tone. No surprise there. King Jaireth always had a use for people. Problem was, one didn’t know what it was until the last minute. He glanced at Pari and back as they kept walking. “Kitty is human,” he disclosed.
Pari’s head swung up to look at him. “She is?”
“Mm-hm. From the twentieth century. You’ll love her.”
She smiled. “But… she’s in the palace?”
“Yes. She’s best friends with the mate of Time Master Dallan, and has accompanied us on different assignments.”
She glanced between him and the sidewalk. “You… go out on assignments. What kind of assignments?”
“Matchmaking, usually,” he said. “There are those of my race that have been scattered throughout time. We find them, and make sure they’re okay.”
“And then?” she prompted.
He glanced at Kwaku, who gave him a smug look. Great, he wasn’t going to get any help from him. How could he explain this without telling her that Muirarans must mate or die?
Oh, wait, didn’t the Alpha side of him spill the beans on that one? But did she believe it?
“Well, we make sure they find their special someone, and they get married.” He gave her a cheesy smile and she laughed nervously.
So did he.
Pari took one look at him and laughed some more. Thank the Creator this laugh was more relaxed.
“Yes, I’m a matchmaker!” he announced.
She nodded. “This is so weird.” Pari let out a long sigh and stopped at the corner. “The market is down this way.”
Melvale blew out a breath and let her lead them. So far so good. And she said yes to a date! Now all he had to do was make sure he didn’t screw it up.
They entered the grocery store, and Pari couldn’t help noticing the looks they got. And why not? Melvale was incredibly handsome, and so was the couple accompanying them. Kwaku and Zara looked like they stepped out of a fashion magazine. But thiswasNew York, and there were plenty of people in the city with looks and then some. You just didn’t see many of them in her grocery store of choice.
A woman gave Melvale an appreciative look, then smiled at Pari, whose cheeks heated in response. She wasn’t used to such attention. If anything, she made sure her looks kept people away. She was cute, maybe even pretty at times, but now… she didn’t know what to make of herself.