Page 128 of The Alpha
"Hewillbemine!” She clearly enunciated each word.
"So you keep saying. You already know my thoughts on the matter. Now get going." He waved her away, and she stomped out of the room. "Impertinent little witch."
He left his chair, took his cup and saucer into the nearby kitchen, and proceeded to make another pot of tea. As he waited for the kettle to boil, he made a phone call. "Mr. Vance," he began when the other line picked up. "I have a job for you."
“Where are we going?” Pari asked.
Melvale smiled and hoped Kwaku and Zara had done their part. “You’ll see.” They were just passing the Brooklyn Library, and all his senses were on high alert. There was risk involved in their “date”, and he didn’t want to walk into any trouble. But if this was what it took to win her heart, then he’d do it.
“Are you thirsty?” Pari asked. She nodded at a man and his wife selling bottles of water near a couple of coolers.
“I’ve taken care of that.” He stood, her hand in his, and gave it a gentle squeeze. “Unless you want some now? Areyouthirsty, Kitten?”
She blushed. She’d been doing that a lot today. He took it as a good sign. Was it because he’d slept next to her bed on the floor? They’d taken the room Raina used when she and Halden stayed with Pari. Kwaku and Zara used Pari’s bed.
“Um, I could use some. It’s warm today,” she said.
He gave her a regal nod. “Then you shall have some.” He pulled some cash from a pocket in his shorts and bought them each a bottle of water. Melvale handed hers to her, then openedhis. Not holding her hand made him feel empty somehow, and he hurried to take it again. The Alpha side of him was quiet, for once, and he wondered how much danger there could be in this endeavor of his.
“This way,” he sang, and they were off again. Melvale led her through one of the tunnels that emptied into the park, then left down a path.
“Uncle Leo’s hot dog cart is this way,” she said happily.
“Is it?” He smiled. Of course, he already knew that. Leo was part of his plan. Little did Pari know their entire day was a date.
They reached Leo’s cart. The man scowled at Melvale then smiled at Pari. “Well, to what do I owe the pleasure?”
“Hi, Uncle,” Pari said with a smile. “Melvale has a surprise for me.”
Leo scowled at him again. “I just bet he does.” His eyes flicked between them. “Well, you need anything?”
“Two loaded dogs,” Melvale told him.
“Hmmm,” Leo said and got to work. “Drinks?”
“We have water,” Pari said and held up her bottle.
Leo eyed the bottle then Melvale. “What are you two up to?”
“Oh, this and that,” Melvale said evasively. He smiled at him, then put an arm around Pari. Her uncles might as well get used to the idea that he wasn’t going anywhere.
Leo slapped together their orders while attempting to drill holes into Melvale with his eyes. It didn’t work. His smile only broadened.
“Here!” Leo huffed and shoved the containers of food toward them.
Melvale took one, handed it to Pari, then paid the man before he took the other. He tossed a twenty in the tip jar, smiled, and steered Pari back onto the path.
“See you later, Pariwink!” Leo called after them.
Melvale’s shoulders shook with silent laughter. Leo and Al would warm up to him eventually. Once they got over their abject shock that he wasn’t human…
“Uncle Leo acts gruff, but he means well,” Pari said.
“I know.” He stopped, took in their surroundings, then spied the faint trail that led into the woods. “This way.”
“Where are we going again?”