Page 129 of The Alpha
“I didn’t tell you the first time you asked, and I’m not going to tell you now.” He smiled at her, winked, then led her into the trees.
“If I trip and drop my lunch, I’m going to blame you,” she laughed.
Melvale smiled. She was in a good mood. He knew part of the reason was because she was home. This was familiar territory for her. She was comfortable here.
After a few moments he stopped and smiled. Kwaku and Zara had done their jobs.
“Melvale!” Pari breathed. “Whatisall this?”
“Lunch.” He held up his food. “Come.” He approached the cloth covered table and two chairs that sat beneath the trees. The table was set with two place settings of fine china, glasses, and silverware. A bowl of fruit acted as a centerpiece, and there were an additional couple of small, covered plates which Melvale knew contained more food.
He placed his loaded dog container on an empty plate, then motioned Pari to do the same. “Now, let’s sit and eat.” He pulled her chair out for her, making her giggle.
“I can’t believe you did this. Does Uncle Leo know?”
“I’m sure he’ll be happy we’re dining on his wares.” He helped her sit, then went around the table and took his seat. “Hand me your plate.”
“What? Why?” she asked.
He crooked his fingers. “Hand it over.”
She did, and he proceeded to carefully take her food from the container and place it on the plate. He handed it back to her and did the same with his own food. That done, he took the white linen napkin and placed it on his lap.
She blushed a deep red and did the same. “No one can see us, right?”
“Would you rather we dine in the middle of the park’s large meadow?”
“No!” she said, wide-eyed.
“I didn’t think so.” He pulled the lid off one of the plates to reveal a relish tray of various vegetables. “Oh, it’s those baby corn things. I love these!”
She laughed. “Melvale, how did you do all this?”
He looked into her eyes. “I had a little help.”
“Kwaku and Zara?” She eyed the second plate. “May I?”
“Of course,” he said with a smile.
She pulled the lid off. “Brownies!”
“Al told me they were one of your favorites.”
“They are,” she said, eyes bright. For the first time, she looked at him with admiration in her eyes, and his chest swelled. Progress at last!
She reached for a brownie, and he cleared his throat. “Lunch first, Kitten.”
Pari drew her hand back. “Oh, all right.” She picked up a fork and started to eat. She delicately picked at her food, and he tried not to make his observations obvious. But it was hard to take his eyes off her. She was beautiful and vulnerable, a bit exotic and all the things he could ask for in a mate. A tear threatened to escape over the fact this beautiful little creature was his. Well, almost.
“Melvale?” she said softly. “Are you okay?”
His eyes met hers. “Oh, Kitten, I am more than okay.” He almost took her to some fancy restaurant in Manhattan but knew it would make her uncomfortable. She didn’t think shedeserved to dine in one of those places. He would fix that. For now, he would give her what he knew she’d be comfortable with, yet make it wondrous for her.
They ate, and Melvale began to relax. Kwaku and Zara were watching over them from the trees, and he hoped they were well hidden. He sensed no danger and didn’t pick up the scent of fear anywhere near them. He discovered he could smell ill intent when he was a prisoner in the lab. There was none of that either. They were safe. For now.
They finished their hot dogs, munched on the relish tray, then started on the brownies. Pari drained the water bottle then started in on the glasses of water on the table. “I can’t believe you did all this. Thank you.”
“You’re very welcome. We’ll sit a bit, then I have a little something else planned.”