Page 151 of The Alpha
“She is? That’s great,” Shona said, smiling.
Pari looked at Dallan, whose face softened when he caught her staring at him. “Melvale will like it, I’m sure. Thank ye for helping.”
Her heart sank. “Does he need cheering up that badly?”
“Och, aye lass,” Dallan said. She liked his Scottish accent. “He’s no been himself for months now.”
Pari’s eyebrows shot to the ceiling at his comment. “Seems to me he hasn’t been himself for some time.”
“If yer referring to his Alpha side, that’s more recent,” Dallan said. “But rest assured, he’ll get better. But a party would help, I think.”
She studied the big man and his petite wife. She was a few inches shorter than Pari and Kitty, and delicate looking. She was also gorgeous with her long wavy auburn hair and bright green eyes.
Okay, she was alien, and Pari hadn’t seen a weird looking one yet. They were all gorgeous. So was Kitty, when it came down to it.
Pari ran a hand through her pink hair then let it drop.
“I’ll heat that up for you,” Kitty said and took the bag from her.
“Thanks.” Pari was too tired to argue. How much more could she take? Was she still in danger? Melvale said she was safe, but what exactly did that mean?
She studied Shona and Dallan as Kitty put her food on a plate and popped it into the microwave.
“You’re Muiraran,” she said, staring at Shona.
“I am.” Shona smiled. “Dallan is human.”
Pari turned to him. “And you’re married?”
They looked at each other and nodded.
Pari began to fidget. “So, you are… compatible?”
“That’s right,” Shona said.
“Your second heart?” Pari prompted.
“Aye, lass. Shona’s inner heart sought mine. It called to me. And when I answered, I was brought to her.”
“Kwaku and Zara brought him,” Shona said. “Dallan was in the far future, while I was in the mid nineteen nineties.”
Pari fell into the nearest chair. “Whoa.”
“Yeah, that’s what I said,” Kitty added. The microwave beeped, and she took the plate out and brought it to the kitchen table. “Here you go. I’ll get your drink.”
Pari continued to stare at Dallan and Shona. “I’ve felt Melvale’s inner heart,” she said to no one in particular.
“That’s good,” Shona said softly.
The couple exchanged a look before their eyes filled with compassion. “Melvale will explain,” Shona said. “Why don’t you eat something, then if you’re up to it, we can make a list of things we’ll need for the party.”
“That would be my cue to disappear,” Dallan said. He rose from the table. “I’ll go see what’s on the wee box.” He left the room.
“Box?” Pari said as Kitty took Dallan’s seat.
“That’s what he calls a television set,” Shona explained. “It’s a long story.”