Page 152 of The Alpha
Pari nodded with a hint of a smile as the TV came on in the next room. She could tell Shona adored the man.
“Pari told me her uncle Al has a tree in the basement,” Kitty said.
“Great, we can cross that off the list.” Shona reached for a yellow legal pad and pen sitting off to one side of the table. “What about ornaments?”
They both gave Pari an expectant look. So, they really were planning a Christmas in July party. “Um, Uncle Al has those too, and I have a few.”
“Perfect.” Shona scribbled something on the pad.
Pari picked at her cheeseburger and fries as the two women bounced ideas back and forth then began to discuss an invitation list.
“Wait a minute,” Pari said and made a face. “Guest list? Who are you going to invite? None of you are from around here.”
“Well, you have friends, don’t you?” Kitty asked.
Pari snapped her mouth shut.
Shona and Kitty exchanged a look, then smiled at her. “We’d like to be your friends,” Shona said in a soothing voice. It reminded Pari of Zara’s.
“You… want to be friends with me?” she hedged.
“Sure,” Kitty said. “Any friend of Melvale’s is a friend of ours.”
Suspicion seeped into her heart. She wanted new friends, but befriending these two might not be the best decision. For one, they weren’t sticking around, and even if she had to go with Melvale and the others for a while, she’d still be coming home. Where would Shona and Kitty be then?
“At least give us a chance to get to know you better,” Shona suggested. “Trust me, I understand your hesitation. I might be Muiraran, but I was raised by human parents and lived a normal human life in the latter half of the twentieth century.”
Pari’s jaw went slack. “You did?”
“Sure, and I was her best friend and still am,” Kitty added. She sat back in her chair and smiled. “Can’t blame us for wanting to be friends with you. For one, Shona is married to a Time Master. Do you have any idea what that means?”
Pari shook her head. “Kwaku is one of those, right?”
“Yes,” Kitty said. “And he and Dallan can take you anywhere in time you want to go.”
A chill went up her spine. “And that’s how you got here?” she asked Kitty.
“Sure is. I still currently live in 1995. Well, if we’re going to be technical, 1996 after our trip to Hawaii, but then Dallan and Shona dropped me off in the fall of 1995 when the whole Hawaii assignment was over and…”
“Kitty, you’re confusing her. And me,” Shona said with a shake of her head. She tapped the pen on the legal pad a fewtimes. “In other words, Kitty and I are not separated by time and space. I can see Kitty whenever I want when it comes down to it.”
“So… I could see my uncles whenever I wanted even if I returned to the palace?”
“I don’t see why not,” Shona said. “So long as you’re not in danger. In case you haven’t noticed, Muiraran men and certain Time Masters we know are over the top protective.”
Pari had to smile at that, but a frown overtook her smile.
“What’s wrong?” Kitty asked.
Pari shook her head. “Nothing.” Melvale kissed her in Uncle Al’s kitchen. Did that mean he really liked her, or was he doing what Jeffry did, and just tried to take what he could get…
“He’s into you, you know,” Kitty said, breaking into her thoughts.
“Wh-what?” Pari stammered.
“Yeah, he’s got it bad.” Kitty glanced at Shona. “Right?”
Shona nodded. “Yep. He’s smitten.”