Page 203 of The Alpha
“I’d best get to the shop,” Uncle Al said. “Thanks for getting me the extra help, Melvale.”
Melvale gave him a slight bow. “It was my pleasure. Khana is a hard worker, and I hear he got an apartment in the building next door!”
“Yeah, I thought that place was still being renovated,” Uncle Al said. “Guess they decided to start renting out the apartments they already finished.” He offered Melvale his hand. “We’ll see you two in a month. Take good care of our Pari, or I’ll be helping Leo knock you silly.”
Melvale shook his hand then bowed. “She will be safe with me.” He straightened. “In fact, there’s no safer place than home.”
“Glad to hear it,” Uncle Al said. “Well, I’m off.”
A lump formed in Pari’s throat as her uncles hovered near the door. Uncle Leo gave her a heartfelt look, and she swore his eyes were tearing up when he opened it and stepped into the vestibule, then went out the building’s front door. Uncle Al gave their little party a wave and followed.
Pari drew in a shuddering breath and willed herself not to cry. She’d never been apart from her uncles since she came to Brooklyn all those years ago.
Melvale put an arm around her. “It’s all right, Kitten. You’ll see them soon enough.”
She nodded as he turned her toward the hall leading to the basement door. Dallan and Shona picked up backpacks, and some other small pieces of luggage and headed that way. Kwaku and Zara followed.
“Where are Kitty and Archer?” Pari asked.
“Taking care of some last-minute business. Don’t worry, you’ll see them again.”
Pari nodded as they went to the open basement door. “Melvale?”
“What happens now?”
“You’re about to find out.” He winked at her. “Let me go first but stay right behind me.”
She nodded and began to realize just how protective he was. Even when going down a set of stairs.
He carried her luggage and set everything down once they were in the basement. “Now, Kitten, you’re in for a real treat.”
“What exactly goes on?” she asked. This would be her first time getting to see how his kind “got around” as he called it.
“Who’s doing the honors?” Melvale chortled.
“I am,” Kwaku said. He gave them a huge grin. “Ready, little treasure?”
Pari gulped. “Um, as ready as I’ll ever be.” A nervous shudder coursed through her. “Is this safe?”
Melvale took her into his arms and held her. “You don’t have to watch if it’s too much for you, and yes, it’s perfectly safe. Well, except perhaps for a little rumbling and shaking, which now that I think of it some might equate to an earthquake…”
“Earthquake!” Pari held onto him tighter. “Will it hurt the building? I mean, I know we’re in the basement and all but…”
Melvale’s eyes rounded to saucers. “Basement!”
Dallan turned to him. “What?” He glanced at Pari and back. “Melvale?”
He let go of Pari and slapped a hand to each side of his face. “I remember now. I left them in a basement!” He sent Dallan a look of shock. “I… bit them… and it… knocked them out?” He ran his tongue over his top teeth. “Oh, stab me, I’m venomous?!”
Pari caught Kwaku and Dallan exchange the same look of shock. She eyed Melvale. “What? Who?”
He gave her a sheepish grin. “How about I explain once we get to the palace?” He put his arms around her again, kissed her on the cheek, and smiled. “Ready, Kitten?”
She drew in a deep breath, let it out, and nodded. “Ready.”
Kwaku smiled and opened his arms wide. “Come here, Pretty One.”