Page 204 of The Alpha
Zara did, and Pari gasped when he pulled her into his arms and kissed her soundly. When he broke the kiss, he grinned. “Take us home, Beloved.” He spoke to her in another language, and Zara, to Pari’s surprise, knelt at his feet and began to sing.
The room shook and Pari held onto Melvale as a bright yellow light shot forth from Kwaku and Zara and hit the opposite wall of the basement. It quickly narrowed and began to draw a picture. In fact, if Pari didn’t know any better, she’d say it was a picture of Melvale’s private quarters. As soon as the picture—more of an outline really—was complete, Kwaku swept one armacross it and the whole thing peeled away, like peeling a sticker out of sticker book.
Pari stood, awestruck. “Oh. My. Golly.”
Melvale kissed her hair. “Come on, Kitten. Let’s go say hello to Q.”
The wall of the basement was gone, replaced by Melvale’s private quarters, complete with Q, who bounced in anticipation at the sight of them. They stepped into Melvale’s quarters like it was nothing, and she gaped at the sight of her building’s basement behind them. “How in the world…?”
“I’ll explain everything, sweet one,” Melvale said.
“Aye, but first ye’ll explain about the other basement?” Dallan said with a stern look.
Melvale blushed. “Oh, yes, that. Well, at least I didn’t… you know.” He made a face and ran a finger across his neck.
“What?” Pari asked.
Melvale bent to her. “Nothing for you to worry about. In fact, I’m relieved.” He straightened and let out breath.
Dallan exchanged another look with Kwaku. “Melvale. What did you do?”
He gave them a sheepish look, swept Pari into his arms, and rubbed his nose against hers. “Hungry? Let’s pay a visit to Shaveer and see what he’s cooked up for the day!”
“Can’t talk,” he sang. “I have to feed Pari!”
“Melvale!” Dallan snapped.
Melvale picked up the pace, went through his door to the corridor beyond and broke into a run. They reached the kitchen within seconds where he set her down.
Pari teetered from the speed, and he had to hold onto her to keep her from falling. “What was that about?!”
He shrugged. “Well, I might have sort of left a group of evil mercenary henchmen snoozing in a basement.”
Melvale bent to her. “Never mind about that, how about some ice cream?”
She openly gawked. “Are you talking about the doctor’s men?!”
He took on an innocent air. “Well…”
She held up a hand. “Never mind, I don’t want to know. This is a lot to take in without having to think about that.”
“I totally agree. Now, Kitten. That ice cream?” He offered his arm.
Pari sucked in a deep breath and took it. She’d done it! She was here, embarking on a great adventure with this man. Pari had no idea what was going to happen, but at least she knew that they were safe here in the palace. Now she and Melvale could spend the next thirty days with each other and see where that time would take them. And with any luck, in time, she could fall in love without messing anything up and live happily ever after.
Timmohn watchedMelvale exit his quarters, a woman in his arms, and in a flash, they were gone. So, Melvale and his mate had returned.
She marched into his quarters, knowing a Time Master had to be there. They’d been informed Melvale would be returning today, and she had her work to do. There was no sense wasting time.
“Time Masters Dallan, Kwaku,” she purred as she entered. “Welcome back.” She bowed then straightened. “I see our Alpha has already taken his little mate elsewhere?” She clasped her hands in front of her and smiled.
“Yes,” Kwaku drawled. “What are you doing here?”
“I came to wait for your return, so we could make amends.” She bowed again with a smile